About class

An item with user information and settings.


About.new({List<AboutAdditionalRoleInfo>? additionalRoleInfo, bool? canCreateDrives, bool? canCreateTeamDrives, String? domainSharingPolicy, List<AboutDriveThemes>? driveThemes, String? etag, List<AboutExportFormats>? exportFormats, List<AboutFeatures>? features, List<String>? folderColorPalette, List<AboutImportFormats>? importFormats, bool? isCurrentAppInstalled, String? kind, String? languageCode, String? largestChangeId, List<AboutMaxUploadSizes>? maxUploadSizes, String? name, String? permissionId, List<AboutQuotaBytesByService>? quotaBytesByService, String? quotaBytesTotal, String? quotaBytesUsed, String? quotaBytesUsedAggregate, String? quotaBytesUsedInTrash, String? quotaType, String? remainingChangeIds, String? rootFolderId, String? selfLink, List<AboutTeamDriveThemes>? teamDriveThemes, User? user})
About.fromJson(Map json_)


additionalRoleInfo List<AboutAdditionalRoleInfo>?
Information about supported additional roles per file type.
getter/setter pair
canCreateDrives bool?
Whether the user can create shared drives.
getter/setter pair
canCreateTeamDrives bool?
Deprecated: Use canCreateDrives instead.
getter/setter pair
domainSharingPolicy String?
The domain sharing policy for the current user.
getter/setter pair
driveThemes List<AboutDriveThemes>?
A list of themes that are supported for shared drives.
getter/setter pair
etag String?
The ETag of the item.
getter/setter pair
exportFormats List<AboutExportFormats>?
The allowable export formats.
getter/setter pair
features List<AboutFeatures>?
List of additional features enabled on this account.
getter/setter pair
folderColorPalette List<String>?
The palette of allowable folder colors as RGB hex strings.
getter/setter pair
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
importFormats List<AboutImportFormats>?
The allowable import formats.
getter/setter pair
isCurrentAppInstalled bool?
A boolean indicating whether the authenticated app is installed by the authenticated user.
getter/setter pair
kind String?
This is always drive#about.
getter/setter pair
languageCode String?
The user's language or locale code, as defined by BCP 47, with some extensions from Unicode's LDML format (http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr35/).
getter/setter pair
largestChangeId String?
The largest change id.
getter/setter pair
maxUploadSizes List<AboutMaxUploadSizes>?
List of max upload sizes for each file type.
getter/setter pair
name String?
The name of the current user.
getter/setter pair
permissionId String?
The current user's ID as visible in the permissions collection.
getter/setter pair
quotaBytesByService List<AboutQuotaBytesByService>?
The amount of storage quota used by different Google services.
getter/setter pair
quotaBytesTotal String?
The total number of quota bytes.
getter/setter pair
quotaBytesUsed String?
The number of quota bytes used by Google Drive.
getter/setter pair
quotaBytesUsedAggregate String?
The number of quota bytes used by all Google apps (Drive, Picasa, etc.).
getter/setter pair
quotaBytesUsedInTrash String?
The number of quota bytes used by trashed items.
getter/setter pair
quotaType String?
The type of the user's storage quota.
getter/setter pair
remainingChangeIds String?
The number of remaining change ids, limited to no more than 2500.
getter/setter pair
rootFolderId String?
The id of the root folder.
getter/setter pair
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
A link back to this item.
getter/setter pair
teamDriveThemes List<AboutTeamDriveThemes>?
Deprecated: Use driveThemes instead.
getter/setter pair
user User?
The authenticated user.
getter/setter pair


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toJson() Map<String, dynamic>
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.