Creative class
Contains properties of a Creative.
-{String? accountId, bool? active, String? adParameters, List<
String> ? adTagKeys, List<Size> ? additionalSizes, String? advertiserId, bool? allowScriptAccess, bool? archived, String? artworkType, String? authoringSource, String? authoringTool, bool? autoAdvanceImages, String? backgroundColor, CreativeClickThroughUrl? backupImageClickThroughUrl, List<String> ? backupImageFeatures, String? backupImageReportingLabel, TargetWindow? backupImageTargetWindow, List<ClickTag> ? clickTags, String? commercialId, List<String> ? companionCreatives, List<String> ? compatibility, bool? convertFlashToHtml5, List<CreativeCustomEvent> ? counterCustomEvents, CreativeAssetSelection? creativeAssetSelection, List<CreativeAsset> ? creativeAssets, List<CreativeFieldAssignment> ? creativeFieldAssignments, List<String> ? customKeyValues, bool? dynamicAssetSelection, List<CreativeCustomEvent> ? exitCustomEvents, FsCommand? fsCommand, String? htmlCode, bool? htmlCodeLocked, String? id, DimensionValue? idDimensionValue, String? kind, LastModifiedInfo? lastModifiedInfo, String? latestTraffickedCreativeId, String? mediaDescription, double? mediaDuration, String? name, ObaIcon? obaIcon, String? overrideCss, VideoOffset? progressOffset, String? redirectUrl, String? renderingId, DimensionValue? renderingIdDimensionValue, String? requiredFlashPluginVersion, int? requiredFlashVersion, Size? size, VideoOffset? skipOffset, bool? skippable, bool? sslCompliant, bool? sslOverride, String? studioAdvertiserId, String? studioCreativeId, String? studioTraffickedCreativeId, String? subaccountId, String? thirdPartyBackupImageImpressionsUrl, String? thirdPartyRichMediaImpressionsUrl, List<ThirdPartyTrackingUrl> ? thirdPartyUrls, List<CreativeCustomEvent> ? timerCustomEvents, String? totalFileSize, String? type, UniversalAdId? universalAdId, int? version}) - Creative.fromJson(Map json_)
- accountId ↔ String?
Account ID of this creative.
getter/setter pair
- active ↔ bool?
Whether the creative is active.
getter/setter pair
↔ List<
Size> ? -
Additional sizes associated with a responsive creative.
getter/setter pair
- adParameters ↔ String?
Ad parameters user for VPAID creative.
getter/setter pair
↔ List<
String> ? -
Keywords for a Rich Media creative.
getter/setter pair
- advertiserId ↔ String?
Advertiser ID of this creative.
getter/setter pair
- allowScriptAccess ↔ bool?
Whether script access is allowed for this creative.
getter/setter pair
- archived ↔ bool?
Whether the creative is archived.
getter/setter pair
- artworkType ↔ String?
Type of artwork used for the creative.
getter/setter pair
Source application where creative was authored.
getter/setter pair
Authoring tool for HTML5 banner creatives.
getter/setter pair
- autoAdvanceImages ↔ bool?
Whether images are automatically advanced for image gallery creatives.
getter/setter pair
- backgroundColor ↔ String?
The 6-character HTML color code, beginning with #, for the background of
the window area where the Flash file is displayed.
getter/setter pair
- backupImageClickThroughUrl ↔ CreativeClickThroughUrl?
Click-through URL for backup image.
getter/setter pair
↔ List<
String> ? -
List of feature dependencies that will cause a backup image to be served
if the browser that serves the ad does not support them.
getter/setter pair
- backupImageReportingLabel ↔ String?
Reporting label used for HTML5 banner backup image.
getter/setter pair
- backupImageTargetWindow ↔ TargetWindow?
Target window for backup image.
getter/setter pair
↔ List<
ClickTag> ? -
Click tags of the creative.
getter/setter pair
- commercialId ↔ String?
Industry standard ID assigned to creative for reach and frequency.
getter/setter pair
↔ List<
String> ? -
List of companion creatives assigned to an in-Stream video creative.
getter/setter pair
↔ List<
String> ? -
Compatibilities associated with this creative.
getter/setter pair
- convertFlashToHtml5 ↔ bool?
Whether Flash assets associated with the creative need to be automatically
converted to HTML5.
getter/setter pair
↔ List<
CreativeCustomEvent> ? -
List of counter events configured for the creative.
getter/setter pair
↔ List<
CreativeAsset> ? -
Assets associated with a creative.
getter/setter pair
- creativeAssetSelection ↔ CreativeAssetSelection?
Required if dynamicAssetSelection is true.
getter/setter pair
↔ List<
CreativeFieldAssignment> ? -
Creative field assignments for this creative.
getter/setter pair
↔ List<
String> ? -
Custom key-values for a Rich Media creative.
getter/setter pair
- dynamicAssetSelection ↔ bool?
Set this to true to enable the use of rules to target individual assets in
this creative.
getter/setter pair
↔ List<
CreativeCustomEvent> ? -
List of exit events configured for the creative.
getter/setter pair
- fsCommand ↔ FsCommand?
OpenWindow FSCommand of this creative.
getter/setter pair
- hashCode → int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
- htmlCode ↔ String?
HTML code for the creative.
getter/setter pair
- htmlCodeLocked ↔ bool?
Whether HTML code is generated by Campaign Manager or manually entered.
getter/setter pair
- id ↔ String?
ID of this creative.
getter/setter pair
- idDimensionValue ↔ DimensionValue?
Dimension value for the ID of this creative.
getter/setter pair
- kind ↔ String?
Identifies what kind of resource this is.
getter/setter pair
- lastModifiedInfo ↔ LastModifiedInfo?
Creative last modification information.
getter/setter pair
- latestTraffickedCreativeId ↔ String?
Latest Studio trafficked creative ID associated with rich media and VPAID
getter/setter pair
- mediaDescription ↔ String?
Description of the audio or video ad.
getter/setter pair
- mediaDuration ↔ double?
Creative audio or video duration in seconds.
getter/setter pair
- name ↔ String?
Name of the creative.
getter/setter pair
- obaIcon ↔ ObaIcon?
Online behavioral advertising icon to be added to the creative.
getter/setter pair
- overrideCss ↔ String?
Override CSS value for rich media creatives.
getter/setter pair
- progressOffset ↔ VideoOffset?
Amount of time to play the video before counting a view.
getter/setter pair
- redirectUrl ↔ String?
URL of hosted image or hosted video or another ad tag.
getter/setter pair
- renderingId ↔ String?
ID of current rendering version.
getter/setter pair
- renderingIdDimensionValue ↔ DimensionValue?
Dimension value for the rendering ID of this creative.
getter/setter pair
- requiredFlashPluginVersion ↔ String?
The minimum required Flash plugin version for this creative.
getter/setter pair
- requiredFlashVersion ↔ int?
The internal Flash version for this creative as calculated by Studio.
getter/setter pair
- runtimeType → Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
- size ↔ Size?
Size associated with this creative.
getter/setter pair
- skipOffset ↔ VideoOffset?
Amount of time to play the video before the skip button appears.
getter/setter pair
- skippable ↔ bool?
Whether the user can choose to skip the creative.
getter/setter pair
- sslCompliant ↔ bool?
Whether the creative is SSL-compliant.
getter/setter pair
- sslOverride ↔ bool?
Whether creative should be treated as SSL compliant even if the system
scan shows it's not.
getter/setter pair
- studioAdvertiserId ↔ String?
Studio advertiser ID associated with rich media and VPAID creatives.
getter/setter pair
- studioCreativeId ↔ String?
Studio creative ID associated with rich media and VPAID creatives.
getter/setter pair
- studioTraffickedCreativeId ↔ String?
Studio trafficked creative ID associated with rich media and VPAID
getter/setter pair
- subaccountId ↔ String?
Subaccount ID of this creative.
getter/setter pair
- thirdPartyBackupImageImpressionsUrl ↔ String?
Third-party URL used to record backup image impressions.
getter/setter pair
- thirdPartyRichMediaImpressionsUrl ↔ String?
Third-party URL used to record rich media impressions.
getter/setter pair
↔ List<
ThirdPartyTrackingUrl> ? -
Third-party URLs for tracking in-stream creative events.
getter/setter pair
↔ List<
CreativeCustomEvent> ? -
List of timer events configured for the creative.
getter/setter pair
- totalFileSize ↔ String?
Combined size of all creative assets.
getter/setter pair
- type ↔ String?
Type of this creative.
getter/setter pair
- universalAdId ↔ UniversalAdId?
A Universal Ad ID as per the VAST 4.0 spec.
getter/setter pair
- version ↔ int?
The version number helps you keep track of multiple versions of your
creative in your reports.
getter/setter pair
Invocation invocation) → dynamic -
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
) → Map< String, dynamic> -
) → String -
A string representation of this object.
operator ==(
Object other) → bool -
The equality operator.