developerconnect/v1 library
Developer Connect API - v1
Connect third-party source code management to Google
For more information, see
Create an instance of DeveloperConnectApi to access these resources:
- Connection
- Message describing Connection object
- DeveloperConnectApi
- Connect third-party source code management to Google
- FetchGitHubInstallationsResponse
- Response of fetching github installations.
- FetchLinkableGitRepositoriesResponse
- Response message for FetchLinkableGitRepositories.
- GitHubConfig
- Configuration for connections to
- GitRepositoryLink
- Message describing the GitRepositoryLink object
- Installation
- Represents an installation of the GitHub App.
- LinkableGitRepository
- LinkableGitRepository represents a git repository that can be linked to a connection.
- ListConnectionsResponse
- Message for response to listing Connections
- ListGitRepositoryLinksResponse
- Message for response to listing GitRepositoryLinks
- ListLocationsResponse
- The response message for Locations.ListLocations.
- ListOperationsResponse
- The response message for Operations.ListOperations.
- OAuthCredential
- Represents an OAuth token of the account that authorized the Connection, and associated metadata.
- Operation
- This resource represents a long-running operation that is the result of a network API call.
- ProjectsLocationsConnectionsGitRepositoryLinksResource
- ProjectsLocationsConnectionsResource
- ProjectsLocationsOperationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsResource
- ProjectsResource
- CancelOperationRequest = $Empty
- The request message for Operations.CancelOperation.
- Empty = $Empty
- A generic empty message that you can re-use to avoid defining duplicated empty messages in your APIs.
- FetchGitRefsResponse = $FetchGitRefsResponse
- Response for fetching git refs.
- FetchReadTokenRequest = $Empty
- Message for fetching SCM read token.
- FetchReadTokenResponse = $TokenResponse01
- Message for responding to get read token.
- FetchReadWriteTokenRequest = $Empty
- Message for fetching SCM read/write token.
- FetchReadWriteTokenResponse = $TokenResponse01
- Message for responding to get read/write token.
- InstallationState = $InstallationState
- Describes stage and necessary actions to be taken by the user to complete the installation.
- Location = $Location00
- A resource that represents a Google Cloud location.
- Status = $Status
type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs.
Exceptions / Errors
- ApiRequestError
- Represents a general error reported by the API endpoint.
- DetailedApiRequestError
- Represents a specific error reported by the API endpoint.