backupFilePattern property

String? backupFilePattern
getter/setter pair

Pattern that describes the default backup naming strategy.

The specified pattern should ensure lexicographical order of backups. The pattern must define one of the following capture group sets: Capture group set #1 yy/yyyy - year, 2 or 4 digits mm - month number, 1-12 dd - day of month, 1-31 hh - hour of day, 00-23 mi - minutes, 00-59 ss - seconds, 00-59 Example: For backup file TestDB_20230802_155400.trn, use pattern: (?.)backup(?\d{4})(?\d{2})(?\d{2})_(?\d{2})(?\d{2})(?\d{2}).trn Capture group set #2 timestamp - unix timestamp Example: For backup file TestDB.1691448254.trn, use pattern: (?.).(?\d*).trn or (?.).(?\d).trn



core.String? backupFilePattern;