updateType property

String? updateType
getter/setter pair

Type for update. Possible string values are:

  • "UPDATE_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED" : Defaults to full replace behavior, ie. FULL_REPLACE.
  • "UPDATE_TYPE_REPLACE" : Fully replace all the fields (including previously linked raw document). Any field masks will be ignored.
  • "UPDATE_TYPE_MERGE" : Merge the fields into the existing entities.
  • "UPDATE_TYPE_INSERT_PROPERTIES_BY_NAMES" : Inserts the properties by names.
  • "UPDATE_TYPE_REPLACE_PROPERTIES_BY_NAMES" : Replace the properties by names.
  • "UPDATE_TYPE_DELETE_PROPERTIES_BY_NAMES" : Delete the properties by names.
  • "UPDATE_TYPE_MERGE_AND_REPLACE_OR_INSERT_PROPERTIES_BY_NAMES" : For each of the property, replaces the property if the it exists, otherwise inserts a new property. And for the rest of the fields, merge them based on update mask and merge fields options.


core.String? updateType;