CompetitiveVisibility class
Fields related to competitive visibility reports.
-{double? adsOrganicRatio, double? categoryBenchmarkVisibilityTrend, String? categoryId, String? countryCode, Date? date, String? domain, double? higherPositionRate, bool? isYourDomain, double? pageOverlapRate, String? rank, double? relativeVisibility, String? trafficSource, double? yourDomainVisibilityTrend})
- CompetitiveVisibility.fromJson(Map json_)
- adsOrganicRatio ↔ double?
Ads / organic ratio
shows how often a merchant receives impressions from Shopping ads compared
to organic traffic.
getter/setter pair
- categoryBenchmarkVisibilityTrend ↔ double?
Change in visibility based on impressions with respect to the start of the
selected time range (or first day with non-zero impressions) for a
combined set of merchants with highest visibility approximating the
getter/setter pair
- categoryId ↔ String?
Google product category ID to calculate the report for, represented in
Google's product taxonomy.
getter/setter pair
- countryCode ↔ String?
The country where impression appeared.
getter/setter pair
- date ↔ Date?
Date of this row.
getter/setter pair
- domain ↔ String?
Domain of your competitor or your domain, if 'is_your_domain' is true.
getter/setter pair
- hashCode → int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
- higherPositionRate ↔ double?
Higher position rate shows how often a competitor’s offer got placed in a
higher position on the page than your offer.
getter/setter pair
- isYourDomain ↔ bool?
True if this row contains data for your domain.
getter/setter pair
- pageOverlapRate ↔ double?
Page overlap rate describes how frequently competing retailers’ offers are
shown together with your offers on the same page.
getter/setter pair
- rank ↔ String?
Position of the domain in the top merchants ranking for the selected keys
) based on impressions.getter/setter pair - relativeVisibility ↔ double?
Relative visibility shows how often your competitors’ offers are shown
compared to your offers.
getter/setter pair
- runtimeType → Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
- trafficSource ↔ String?
Type of impression listing.
getter/setter pair
- yourDomainVisibilityTrend ↔ double?
Change in visibility based on impressions for your domain with respect to
the start of the selected time range (or first day with non-zero
getter/setter pair
Invocation invocation) → dynamic -
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
) → Map< String, dynamic> -
) → String -
A string representation of this object.
operator ==(
Object other) → bool -
The equality operator.