search method
Searches organization resources that are visible to the user and satisfy the specified filter.
This method returns organizations in an unspecified order. New
organizations do not necessarily appear at the end of the results, and may
take a small amount of time to appear. Search will only return
organizations on which the user has the permission
or has super admin privileges.
Request parameters:
- Optional. The maximum number of organizations to return in
the response. The server can return fewer organizations than requested. If
unspecified, server picks an appropriate default.
- Optional. A pagination token returned from a previous call
to SearchOrganizations
that indicates from where listing should
- Optional. An optional query string used to filter the
Organizations to return in the response. Query rules are case-insensitive.
|------------------|--------------------------------------------| |
directoryCustomerId, owner.directoryCustomerId | Filters by directory
customer id. | | domain | Filters by domain. | ``` Organizations may be
queried by `directoryCustomerId` or by `domain`, where the domain is a G
Suite domain, for example: * Query `directorycustomerid:123456789` returns
Organization resources with `owner.directory_customer_id` equal to
`123456789`. * Query `` returns Organization resources
corresponding to the domain ``.
[$fields] - Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial
Completes with a [SearchOrganizationsResponse].
Completes with a [commons.ApiRequestError] if the API endpoint returned an
If the used [http.Client] completes with an error when making a REST call,
this method will complete with the same error.
async.Future<SearchOrganizationsResponse> search({ pageSize,
core.String? pageToken,
core.String? query,
core.String? $fields,
}) async {
final queryParams_ = <core.String, core.List<core.String>>{
if (pageSize != null) 'pageSize': ['${pageSize}'],
if (pageToken != null) 'pageToken': [pageToken],
if (query != null) 'query': [query],
if ($fields != null) 'fields': [$fields],
const url_ = 'v3/organizations:search';
final response_ = await _requester.request(
queryParams: queryParams_,
return SearchOrganizationsResponse.fromJson(
response_ as core.Map<core.String, core.dynamic>);