BuildTrigger class
Configuration for an automated build in response to source repository changes.
-{ApprovalConfig? approvalConfig, bool? autodetect, BitbucketServerTriggerConfig? bitbucketServerTriggerConfig, Build? build, String? createTime, String? description, bool? disabled, String? eventType, String? filename, String? filter, GitFileSource? gitFileSource, GitHubEventsConfig? github, GitLabEventsConfig? gitlabEnterpriseEventsConfig, String? id, List<
String> ? ignoredFiles, String? includeBuildLogs, List<String> ? includedFiles, String? name, PubsubConfig? pubsubConfig, RepositoryEventConfig? repositoryEventConfig, String? resourceName, String? serviceAccount, GitRepoSource? sourceToBuild, Map<String, String> ? substitutions, List<String> ? tags, RepoSource? triggerTemplate, WebhookConfig? webhookConfig}) - BuildTrigger.fromJson(Map json_)
- approvalConfig ↔ ApprovalConfig?
Configuration for manual approval to start a build invocation of this
getter/setter pair
- autodetect ↔ bool?
Autodetect build configuration.
getter/setter pair
- bitbucketServerTriggerConfig ↔ BitbucketServerTriggerConfig?
BitbucketServerTriggerConfig describes the configuration of a trigger that
creates a build whenever a Bitbucket Server event is received.
getter/setter pair
- build ↔ Build?
Contents of the build template.
getter/setter pair
- createTime ↔ String?
Time when the trigger was created.
getter/setter pair
- description ↔ String?
Human-readable description of this trigger.
getter/setter pair
- disabled ↔ bool?
If true, the trigger will never automatically execute a build.
getter/setter pair
- eventType ↔ String?
EventType allows the user to explicitly set the type of event to which
this BuildTrigger should respond.
getter/setter pair
- filename ↔ String?
Path, from the source root, to the build configuration file (i.e.
getter/setter pair
- filter ↔ String?
A Common Expression Language string.
getter/setter pair
- gitFileSource ↔ GitFileSource?
The file source describing the local or remote Build template.
getter/setter pair
- github ↔ GitHubEventsConfig?
GitHubEventsConfig describes the configuration of a trigger that creates a
build whenever a GitHub event is received.
getter/setter pair
- gitlabEnterpriseEventsConfig ↔ GitLabEventsConfig?
GitLabEnterpriseEventsConfig describes the configuration of a trigger that
creates a build whenever a GitLab Enterprise event is received.
getter/setter pair
- hashCode → int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
- id ↔ String?
Unique identifier of the trigger.
getter/setter pair
↔ List<
String> ? -
ignored_files and included_files are file glob matches using extended with support for
getter/setter pair
- includeBuildLogs ↔ String?
If set to INCLUDE_BUILD_LOGS_WITH_STATUS, log url will be shown on GitHub
page when build status is final.
getter/setter pair
↔ List<
String> ? -
If any of the files altered in the commit pass the ignored_files filter
and included_files is empty, then as far as this filter is concerned, we
should trigger the build.
getter/setter pair
- name ↔ String?
User-assigned name of the trigger.
getter/setter pair
- pubsubConfig ↔ PubsubConfig?
PubsubConfig describes the configuration of a trigger that creates a build
whenever a Pub/Sub message is published.
getter/setter pair
- repositoryEventConfig ↔ RepositoryEventConfig?
The configuration of a trigger that creates a build whenever an event from
Repo API is received.
getter/setter pair
- resourceName ↔ String?
name with format:projects/{project}/locations/{location}/triggers/{trigger}
, where {trigger} is a unique identifier generated by the service.getter/setter pair - runtimeType → Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
- serviceAccount ↔ String?
The service account used for all user-controlled operations including
UpdateBuildTrigger, RunBuildTrigger, CreateBuild, and CancelBuild.
getter/setter pair
- sourceToBuild ↔ GitRepoSource?
The repo and ref of the repository from which to build.
getter/setter pair
↔ Map<
String, String> ? -
Substitutions for Build resource.
getter/setter pair
Tags for annotation of a
getter/setter pair - triggerTemplate ↔ RepoSource?
Template describing the types of source changes to trigger a build.
getter/setter pair
- webhookConfig ↔ WebhookConfig?
WebhookConfig describes the configuration of a trigger that creates a
build whenever a webhook is sent to a trigger's webhook URL.
getter/setter pair
Invocation invocation) → dynamic -
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
) → Map< String, dynamic> -
) → String -
A string representation of this object.
operator ==(
Object other) → bool -
The equality operator.