chromepolicy/v1 library
Chrome Policy API - v1
The Chrome Policy API is a suite of services that allows Chrome administrators to control the policies applied to their managed Chrome OS devices and Chrome browsers.
For more information, see
Create an instance of ChromePolicyApi to access these resources:
- ByteRange
- Specifies a range of media.
- ChromePolicyApi
- The Chrome Policy API is a suite of services that allows Chrome administrators to control the policies applied to their managed Chrome OS devices and Chrome browsers.
- CustomersPoliciesGroupsResource
- CustomersPoliciesNetworksResource
- CustomersPoliciesOrgunitsResource
- CustomersPoliciesResource
- CustomersPolicySchemasResource
- CustomersResource
- DownloadOptions
- Represents options for downloading media.
- GoogleChromePolicyVersionsV1AdditionalTargetKeyName
- Additional key names that will be used to identify the target of the policy value.
- GoogleChromePolicyVersionsV1BatchDeleteGroupPoliciesRequest
- Request message for specifying that multiple policy values will be deleted.
- GoogleChromePolicyVersionsV1BatchInheritOrgUnitPoliciesRequest
- Request message for specifying that multiple policy values inherit their value from their parents.
- GoogleChromePolicyVersionsV1BatchModifyGroupPoliciesRequest
- Request message for modifying multiple policy values for a specific group-based target.
- GoogleChromePolicyVersionsV1BatchModifyOrgUnitPoliciesRequest
- Request message for modifying multiple policy values for a specific target.
- GoogleChromePolicyVersionsV1DefineCertificateRequest
- Request object for creating a certificate.
- GoogleChromePolicyVersionsV1DefineCertificateResponse
- Response object for creating a certificate.
- GoogleChromePolicyVersionsV1DefineNetworkRequest
- Request object for creating a new network.
- GoogleChromePolicyVersionsV1DefineNetworkResponse
- Response object for creating a network.
- GoogleChromePolicyVersionsV1DeleteGroupPolicyRequest
- Request parameters for deleting the policy value of a specific group target.
- GoogleChromePolicyVersionsV1FieldConstraints
- Information about any range constraints.
- GoogleChromePolicyVersionsV1InheritOrgUnitPolicyRequest
- Request parameters for inheriting policy value of a specific org unit target from the policy value of its parent org unit.
- GoogleChromePolicyVersionsV1ListGroupPriorityOrderingRequest
- Request message for listing the group priority ordering of an app.
- GoogleChromePolicyVersionsV1ListGroupPriorityOrderingResponse
- Response message for listing the group priority ordering of an app.
- GoogleChromePolicyVersionsV1ListPolicySchemasResponse
- Response message for listing policy schemas that match a filter.
- GoogleChromePolicyVersionsV1ModifyGroupPolicyRequest
- Request parameters for modifying a policy value for a specific group target.
- GoogleChromePolicyVersionsV1ModifyOrgUnitPolicyRequest
- Request parameters for modifying a policy value for a specific org unit target.
- GoogleChromePolicyVersionsV1NetworkSetting
- A network setting contains network configurations.
- GoogleChromePolicyVersionsV1NumericRangeConstraint
- A constraint on upper and/or lower bounds, with at least one being set.
- GoogleChromePolicyVersionsV1PolicyApiLifecycle
- Lifecycle information.
- GoogleChromePolicyVersionsV1PolicySchema
- Resource representing a policy schema.
- GoogleChromePolicyVersionsV1PolicySchemaFieldDependencies
- The field and the value it must have for another field to be allowed to be set.
- GoogleChromePolicyVersionsV1PolicySchemaFieldDescription
- Provides detailed information for a particular field that is part of a PolicySchema.
- GoogleChromePolicyVersionsV1PolicySchemaFieldKnownValueDescription
- Provides detailed information about a known value that is allowed for a particular field in a PolicySchema.
- GoogleChromePolicyVersionsV1PolicySchemaNoticeDescription
- Provides special notice messages related to a particular value in a field that is part of a PolicySchema.
- GoogleChromePolicyVersionsV1PolicySchemaRequiredItems
- The fields that will become required based on the value of this field.
- GoogleChromePolicyVersionsV1PolicyTargetKey
- The key used to identify the target on which the policy will be applied.
- GoogleChromePolicyVersionsV1PolicyValue
- A particular value for a policy managed by the service.
- GoogleChromePolicyVersionsV1RemoveCertificateRequest
- Request object for removing a certificate.
- GoogleChromePolicyVersionsV1RemoveNetworkRequest
- Request object for removing a network
- GoogleChromePolicyVersionsV1ResolvedPolicy
- The resolved value of a policy for a given target.
- GoogleChromePolicyVersionsV1ResolveRequest
- Request message for getting the resolved policy value for a specific target.
- GoogleChromePolicyVersionsV1ResolveResponse
- Response message for getting the resolved policy value for a specific target.
- GoogleChromePolicyVersionsV1UpdateGroupPriorityOrderingRequest
- Request message for updating the group priority ordering of an app.
- GoogleChromePolicyVersionsV1UploadedFileConstraints
- Constraints on the uploaded file of a file policy.
- GoogleChromePolicyVersionsV1UploadPolicyFileRequest
- Request message for uploading a file for a policy.
- GoogleChromePolicyVersionsV1UploadPolicyFileResponse
- Response message for downloading an uploaded file.
- Media
- Represents a media consisting of a stream of bytes, a content type and a length.
- MediaResource
- PartialDownloadOptions
- Options for downloading a Media.
- Proto2DescriptorProto
- Describes a message type.
- Proto2EnumDescriptorProto
- Describes an enum type.
- Proto2EnumValueDescriptorProto
- Describes a value within an enum.
- Proto2FieldDescriptorProto
- Describes a field within a message.
- Proto2FileDescriptorProto
- Describes a complete .proto file.
- Proto2OneofDescriptorProto
- Describes a oneof.
- ResumableUploadOptions
- Specifies options for resumable uploads.
- UploadOptions
- Represents options for uploading a Media.
- GoogleChromePolicyVersionsV1RemoveCertificateResponse = $Empty
- Response object for removing a certificate.
- GoogleChromePolicyVersionsV1RemoveNetworkResponse = $Empty
- Response object for removing a network.
- GoogleProtobufEmpty = $Empty
- A generic empty message that you can re-use to avoid defining duplicated empty messages in your APIs.
- GoogleTypeDate = $Date
- Represents a whole or partial calendar date, such as a birthday.
Exceptions / Errors
- ApiRequestError
- Represents a general error reported by the API endpoint.
- DetailedApiRequestError
- Represents a specific error reported by the API endpoint.