finishReason property

String? finishReason
getter/setter pair

The reason why the model stopped generating tokens.

If empty, the model has not stopped generating the tokens.

Output only. Possible string values are:

  • "FINISH_REASON_UNSPECIFIED" : The finish reason is unspecified.
  • "STOP" : Natural stop point of the model or provided stop sequence.
  • "MAX_TOKENS" : The maximum number of tokens as specified in the request was reached.
  • "SAFETY" : The token generation was stopped as the response was flagged for safety reasons. NOTE: When streaming the Candidate.content will be empty if content filters blocked the output.
  • "RECITATION" : The token generation was stopped as the response was flagged for unauthorized citations.
  • "OTHER" : All other reasons that stopped the token generation
  • "BLOCKLIST" : The token generation was stopped as the response was flagged for the terms which are included from the terminology blocklist.
  • "PROHIBITED_CONTENT" : The token generation was stopped as the response was flagged for the prohibited contents.
  • "SPII" : The token generation was stopped as the response was flagged for Sensitive Personally Identifiable Information (SPII) contents.


core.String? finishReason;