deprovisionReason property
The reason behind a device deprovision.
Must be provided if 'changeChromeOsDeviceStatusAction' is set to 'CHANGE_CHROME_OS_DEVICE_STATUS_ACTION_DEPROVISION'. Otherwise, omit this field.
Optional. Possible string values are:
- "DEPROVISION_REASON_UNSPECIFIED" : The deprovision reason is unknown.
- "DEPROVISION_REASON_SAME_MODEL_REPLACEMENT" : Same model replacement. You have return materials authorization (RMA) or you are replacing a malfunctioning device under warranty with the same device model.
- "DEPROVISION_REASON_UPGRADE" : The device was upgraded.
- "DEPROVISION_REASON_DOMAIN_MOVE" : The device's domain was changed.
- "DEPROVISION_REASON_SERVICE_EXPIRATION" : Service expired for the device.
- "DEPROVISION_REASON_OTHER" : The device was deprovisioned for a legacy reason that is no longer supported.
- "DEPROVISION_REASON_DIFFERENT_MODEL_REPLACEMENT" : Different model replacement. You are replacing this device with an upgraded or newer device model.
- "DEPROVISION_REASON_RETIRING_DEVICE" : Retiring from fleet. You are donating, discarding, or otherwise removing the device from use.
- "DEPROVISION_REASON_UPGRADE_TRANSFER" : ChromeOS Flex upgrade transfer. This is a ChromeOS Flex device that you are replacing with a Chromebook within a year.
- "DEPROVISION_REASON_NOT_REQUIRED" : A reason was not required. For example, the licenses were returned to the customer's license pool.
- "DEPROVISION_REASON_REPAIR_CENTER" : The device was deprovisioned by the Repair Service Center. Can only be set by Repair Service Center during RMA.
core.String? deprovisionReason;