histogramQueries property
An expression specifying a histogram request against matching documents.
Expression syntax is an aggregation function call with histogram facets
and other options. The following aggregation functions are supported: *
: Count the number of matching entities for
each distinct attribute value. Data types: * Histogram facet (aka
filterable properties): Facet names with format <schema id>.<facet>.
Facets will have the format of: a-zA-Z
. If the facet is a child facet,
then the parent hierarchy needs to be specified separated by dots in the
prefix after the schema id. Thus, the format for a multi- level facet is:
<schema id>.<parent facet name>. <child facet name>. Example:
schema123.root_parent_facet.middle_facet.child_facet * DocumentSchemaId:
(with no schema id prefix) to get histograms for each document type
(returns the schema id path, e.g.
projects/12345/locations/us-west/documentSchemas/abc123). Example
expression: * Document type counts: count('DocumentSchemaId') * For schema
id, abc123, get the counts for MORTGAGE_TYPE:
core.List<GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1HistogramQuery>? histogramQueries;