GoogleAppsCardV1Card class

A card interface displayed in a Google Chat message or Google Workspace Add-on.

Cards support a defined layout, interactive UI elements like buttons, and rich media like images. Use cards to present detailed information, gather information from users, and guide users to take a next step. Card builder To learn how to build cards, see the following documentation: * For Google Chat apps, see Design dynamic, interactive, and consistent UIs with cards.

"title": "Sasha", "subtitle": "Software Engineer", "imageUrl":
"imageType": "CIRCLE", "imageAltText": "Avatar for Sasha" }, "sections": [ {
"header": "Contact Info", "collapsible": true, "uncollapsibleWidgetsCount":
1, "widgets": [ { "decoratedText": { "startIcon": { "knownIcon": "EMAIL" },
"text": "" } }, { "decoratedText": { "startIcon": {
"knownIcon": "PERSON" }, "text": "Online" } }, { "decoratedText": {
"startIcon": { "knownIcon": "PHONE" }, "text": "+1 (555) 555-1234" } }, {
"buttonList": { "buttons": [ { "text": "Share", "onClick": { "openLink": {
"url": "" } } }, { "text": "Edit", "onClick": {
"action": { "function": "goToView", "parameters": [ { "key": "viewType",
"value": "EDIT" } ] } } } ] } } ] } ] } } ] } ```


GoogleAppsCardV1Card({List<GoogleAppsCardV1CardAction>? cardActions, String? displayStyle, GoogleAppsCardV1CardFixedFooter? fixedFooter, GoogleAppsCardV1CardHeader? header, String? name, GoogleAppsCardV1CardHeader? peekCardHeader, String? sectionDividerStyle, List<GoogleAppsCardV1Section>? sections})
GoogleAppsCardV1Card.fromJson(Map json_)


cardActions List<GoogleAppsCardV1CardAction>?
The card's actions.
getter/setter pair
displayStyle String?
In Google Workspace Add-ons, sets the display properties of the peekCardHeader.
getter/setter pair
fixedFooter GoogleAppsCardV1CardFixedFooter?
The fixed footer shown at the bottom of this card.
getter/setter pair
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
The header of the card.
getter/setter pair
name String?
Name of the card.
getter/setter pair
peekCardHeader GoogleAppsCardV1CardHeader?
When displaying contextual content, the peek card header acts as a placeholder so that the user can navigate forward between the homepage cards and the contextual cards.
getter/setter pair
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
sectionDividerStyle String?
The divider style between sections. Possible string values are:
getter/setter pair
sections List<GoogleAppsCardV1Section>?
Contains a collection of widgets.
getter/setter pair


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toJson() Map<String, dynamic>
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.