blogger/v3 library
Blogger API - v3
The Blogger API provides access to posts, comments and pages of a Blogger blog.
For more information, see
Create an instance of BloggerApi to access these resources:
- Blog
- BloggerApi
- The Blogger API provides access to posts, comments and pages of a Blogger blog.
- BlogList
- BlogLocale
- The locale this Blog is set to.
- BlogPages
- The container of pages in this blog.
- BlogPerUserInfo
- BlogPosts
- The container of posts in this blog.
- BlogsResource
- BlogUserInfo
- BlogUserInfosResource
- Comment
- CommentAuthor
- The author of this Comment.
- CommentAuthorImage
- The creator's avatar.
- CommentBlog
- Data about the blog containing this comment.
- CommentInReplyTo
- Data about the comment this is in reply to.
- CommentList
- CommentPost
- Data about the post containing this comment.
- CommentsResource
- Page
- PageAuthor
- The author of this Page.
- PageAuthorImage
- The creator's avatar.
- PageBlog
- Data about the blog containing this Page.
- PageList
- PagesResource
- Pageviews
- PageviewsCounts
- PageViewsResource
- Post
- PostAuthor
- The author of this Post.
- PostAuthorImage
- The creator's avatar.
- PostBlog
- Data about the blog containing this Post.
- PostImages
- PostList
- PostLocation
- The location for geotagged posts.
- PostPerUserInfo
- PostReplies
- The container of comments on this Post.
- PostsResource
- PostUserInfo
- PostUserInfosList
- PostUserInfosResource
- User
- UserBlogs
- The container of blogs for this user.
- UserLocale
- This user's locale
- UsersResource
Exceptions / Errors
- ApiRequestError
- Represents a general error reported by the API endpoint.
- DetailedApiRequestError
- Represents a specific error reported by the API endpoint.