gkehub/v1 library
GKE Hub API - v1
For more information, see cloud.google.com/anthos/multicluster-management/connect/registering-a-cluster
Create an instance of GKEHubApi to access these resources:
- AppDevExperienceFeatureState
- State for App Dev Exp Feature.
- ApplianceCluster
- ApplianceCluster contains information specific to GDC Edge Appliance Clusters.
- AuditConfig
- Specifies the audit configuration for a service.
- Authority
- Authority encodes how Google will recognize identities from this Membership.
- BinaryAuthorizationConfig
- BinaryAuthorizationConfig defines the fleet level configuration of binary authorization feature.
- Binding
, or principals, with arole
. - ClusterUpgradeFleetSpec
- ClusterUpgrade: The configuration for the fleet-level ClusterUpgrade feature.
- ClusterUpgradeFleetState
- ClusterUpgrade: The state for the fleet-level ClusterUpgrade feature.
- ClusterUpgradeGKEUpgrade
- GKEUpgrade represents a GKE provided upgrade, e.g., control plane upgrade.
- ClusterUpgradeGKEUpgradeFeatureCondition
- GKEUpgradeFeatureCondition describes the condition of the feature for GKE clusters at a certain point of time.
- ClusterUpgradeGKEUpgradeFeatureState
- GKEUpgradeFeatureState contains feature states for GKE clusters in the scope.
- ClusterUpgradeGKEUpgradeOverride
- Properties of a GKE upgrade that can be overridden by the user.
- ClusterUpgradeGKEUpgradeState
- GKEUpgradeState is a GKEUpgrade and its state at the scope and fleet level.
- ClusterUpgradeIgnoredMembership
- IgnoredMembership represents a membership ignored by the feature.
- ClusterUpgradeMembershipGKEUpgradeState
- ScopeGKEUpgradeState is a GKEUpgrade and its state per-membership.
- ClusterUpgradeMembershipState
- Per-membership state for this feature.
- ClusterUpgradePostConditions
- Post conditional checks after an upgrade has been applied on all eligible clusters.
- ClusterUpgradeUpgradeStatus
- UpgradeStatus provides status information for each upgrade.
- CommonFeatureSpec
- CommonFeatureSpec contains Hub-wide configuration information
- CommonFeatureState
- CommonFeatureState contains Hub-wide Feature status information.
- CommonFleetDefaultMemberConfigSpec
- CommonFleetDefaultMemberConfigSpec contains default configuration information for memberships of a fleet
- ConfigManagementConfigSync
- Configuration for Config Sync
- ConfigManagementConfigSyncDeploymentState
- The state of ConfigSync's deployment on a cluster
- ConfigManagementConfigSyncState
- State information for ConfigSync
- ConfigManagementConfigSyncVersion
- Specific versioning information pertaining to ConfigSync's Pods
- ConfigManagementErrorResource
- Model for a config file in the git repo with an associated Sync error
- ConfigManagementGatekeeperDeploymentState
- State of Policy Controller installation.
- ConfigManagementGitConfig
- Git repo configuration for a single cluster.
- ConfigManagementGroupVersionKind
- A Kubernetes object's GVK
- ConfigManagementHierarchyControllerConfig
- Configuration for Hierarchy Controller
- ConfigManagementHierarchyControllerDeploymentState
- Deployment state for Hierarchy Controller
- ConfigManagementHierarchyControllerState
- State for Hierarchy Controller
- ConfigManagementHierarchyControllerVersion
- Version for Hierarchy Controller
- ConfigManagementMembershipSpec
- Anthos Config Management: Configuration for a single cluster.
- ConfigManagementMembershipState
- Anthos Config Management: State for a single cluster.
- ConfigManagementOciConfig
- OCI repo configuration for a single cluster
- ConfigManagementOperatorState
- State information for an ACM's Operator
- ConfigManagementPolicyController
- Configuration for Policy Controller
- ConfigManagementPolicyControllerMigration
- State for the migration of PolicyController from ACM -> PoCo Hub.
- ConfigManagementPolicyControllerState
- State for PolicyControllerState.
- ConfigManagementPolicyControllerVersion
- The build version of Gatekeeper Policy Controller is using.
- ConfigManagementSyncError
- An ACM created error representing a problem syncing configurations
- ConfigManagementSyncState
- State indicating an ACM's progress syncing configurations to a cluster
- ConnectAgentResource
- ConnectAgentResource represents a Kubernetes resource manifest for Connect Agent deployment.
- DefaultClusterConfig
- DefaultClusterConfig describes the default cluster configurations to be applied to all clusters born-in-fleet.
- EdgeCluster
- EdgeCluster contains information specific to Google Edge Clusters.
- Feature
- Feature represents the settings and status of any Hub Feature.
- FeatureResourceState
- FeatureResourceState describes the state of a Feature resource in the GkeHub API.
- FeatureState
- FeatureState describes the high-level state of a Feature.
- Fleet
- Fleet contains the Fleet-wide metadata and configuration.
- FleetLifecycleState
- FleetLifecycleState describes the state of a Fleet resource.
- FleetObservabilityFeatureError
- All error details of the fleet observability feature.
- FleetObservabilityFeatureSpec
- Fleet Observability: The Hub-wide input for the FleetObservability feature.
- FleetObservabilityFeatureState
- FleetObservability: Hub-wide Feature for FleetObservability feature.
- FleetObservabilityFleetObservabilityBaseFeatureState
- Base state for fleet observability feature.
- FleetObservabilityFleetObservabilityLoggingState
- Feature state for logging feature.
- FleetObservabilityFleetObservabilityMonitoringState
- Feature state for monitoring feature.
- FleetObservabilityLoggingConfig
- LoggingConfig defines the configuration for different types of logs.
- FleetObservabilityRoutingConfig
- RoutingConfig configures the behaviour of fleet logging feature.
- GenerateConnectManifestResponse
- GenerateConnectManifestResponse contains manifest information for installing/upgrading a Connect agent.
- GkeCluster
- GkeCluster contains information specific to GKE clusters.
- GKEHubApi
- IdentityServiceAuthMethod
- Configuration of an auth method for a member/cluster.
- IdentityServiceAzureADConfig
- Configuration for the AzureAD Auth flow.
- IdentityServiceGoogleConfig
- Configuration for the Google Plugin Auth flow.
- IdentityServiceMembershipSpec
- Anthos Identity Service: Configuration for a single Membership.
- IdentityServiceMembershipState
- Anthos Identity Service: State for a single Membership.
- IdentityServiceOidcConfig
- Configuration for OIDC Auth flow.
- KubernetesMetadata
- KubernetesMetadata provides informational metadata for Memberships representing Kubernetes clusters.
- KubernetesResource
- KubernetesResource contains the YAML manifests and configuration for Membership Kubernetes resources in the cluster.
- ListFeaturesResponse
Response message for the
method. - ListFleetsResponse
Response message for the
method. - ListLocationsResponse
- The response message for Locations.ListLocations.
- ListMembershipBindingsResponse
- List of MembershipBindings.
- ListMembershipsResponse
Response message for the
method. - ListOperationsResponse
- The response message for Operations.ListOperations.
- ListScopeNamespacesResponse
- List of fleet namespaces.
- ListScopeRBACRoleBindingsResponse
- List of Scope RBACRoleBindings.
- ListScopesResponse
- List of Scopes.
- Membership
- Membership contains information about a member cluster.
- MembershipBinding
- MembershipBinding is a subresource of a Membership, representing what Fleet Scopes (or other, future Fleet resources) a Membership is bound to.
- MembershipBindingLifecycleState
- MembershipBindingLifecycleState describes the state of a Binding resource.
- MembershipEndpoint
- MembershipEndpoint contains information needed to contact a Kubernetes API, endpoint and any additional Kubernetes metadata.
- MembershipFeatureSpec
- MembershipFeatureSpec contains configuration information for a single Membership.
- MembershipFeatureState
- MembershipFeatureState contains Feature status information for a single Membership.
- MembershipState
- MembershipState describes the state of a Membership resource.
- MonitoringConfig
- MonitoringConfig informs Fleet-based applications/services/UIs how the metrics for the underlying cluster is reported to cloud monitoring services.
- MultiCloudCluster
- MultiCloudCluster contains information specific to GKE Multi-Cloud clusters.
- MultiClusterIngressFeatureSpec
- Multi-cluster Ingress: The configuration for the MultiClusterIngress feature.
- Namespace
- Namespace represents a namespace across the Fleet
- NamespaceLifecycleState
- NamespaceLifecycleState describes the state of a Namespace resource.
- OnPremCluster
- OnPremCluster contains information specific to GKE On-Prem clusters.
- Operation
- This resource represents a long-running operation that is the result of a network API call.
- OrganizationsLocationsFleetsResource
- OrganizationsLocationsResource
- OrganizationsResource
- Origin
- Origin defines where this MembershipFeatureSpec originated from.
- Policy
- An Identity and Access Management (IAM) policy, which specifies access controls for Google Cloud resources.
- PolicyBinding
- Binauthz policy that applies to this cluster.
- PolicyControllerBundleInstallSpec
- BundleInstallSpec is the specification configuration for a single managed bundle.
- PolicyControllerHubConfig
- Configuration for Policy Controller
- PolicyControllerMembershipSpec
- Policy Controller: Configuration for a single cluster.
- PolicyControllerMembershipState
- Policy Controller: State for a single cluster.
- PolicyControllerOnClusterState
- OnClusterState represents the state of a sub-component of Policy Controller.
- PolicyControllerPolicyContentSpec
- PolicyContentSpec defines the user's desired content configuration on the cluster.
- PolicyControllerPolicyContentState
- The state of the policy controller policy content
- PolicyControllerPolicyControllerDeploymentConfig
- Deployment-specific configuration.
- PolicyControllerResourceList
- ResourceList contains container resource requirements.
- PolicyControllerResourceRequirements
- ResourceRequirements describes the compute resource requirements.
- PolicyControllerTemplateLibraryConfig
- The config specifying which default library templates to install.
- PolicyControllerToleration
- Toleration of a node taint.
- ProjectsLocationsFeaturesResource
- ProjectsLocationsFleetsResource
- ProjectsLocationsMembershipsBindingsResource
- ProjectsLocationsMembershipsResource
- ProjectsLocationsOperationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsScopesNamespacesResource
- ProjectsLocationsScopesRbacrolebindingsResource
- ProjectsLocationsScopesResource
- ProjectsResource
- RBACRoleBinding
- RBACRoleBinding represents a rbacrolebinding across the Fleet
- RBACRoleBindingLifecycleState
- RBACRoleBindingLifecycleState describes the state of a RbacRoleBinding resource.
- ResourceManifest
- ResourceManifest represents a single Kubernetes resource to be applied to the cluster.
- ResourceOptions
- ResourceOptions represent options for Kubernetes resource generation.
- Role
- Role is the type for Kubernetes roles
- Scope
- Scope represents a Scope in a Fleet.
- ScopeFeatureState
- ScopeFeatureState contains Scope-wide Feature status information.
- ScopeLifecycleState
- ScopeLifecycleState describes the state of a Scope resource.
- SecurityPostureConfig
- SecurityPostureConfig defines the flags needed to enable/disable features for the Security Posture API.
- ServiceMeshControlPlaneManagement
- Status of control plane management.
- ServiceMeshDataPlaneManagement
- Status of data plane management.
- ServiceMeshMembershipSpec
- Service Mesh: Spec for a single Membership for the servicemesh feature
- ServiceMeshMembershipState
- Service Mesh: State for a single Membership, as analyzed by the Service Mesh Hub Controller.
- ServiceMeshStatusDetails
- Structured and human-readable details for a status.
- SetIamPolicyRequest
Request message for
method. - Status
- Status specifies state for the subcomponent.
- TypeMeta
- TypeMeta is the type information needed for content unmarshalling of Kubernetes resources in the manifest.
- AppDevExperienceFeatureSpec = $Empty
- Spec for App Dev Experience Feature.
- AuditLogConfig = $AuditLogConfig
- Provides the configuration for logging a type of permissions.
- CancelOperationRequest = $Empty
- The request message for Operations.CancelOperation.
- ConfigManagementConfigSyncError = $Error
- Errors pertaining to the installation of Config Sync
- ConfigManagementInstallError = $Error
- Errors pertaining to the installation of ACM
- ConfigManagementPolicyControllerMonitoring = $Shared08
- PolicyControllerMonitoring specifies the backends Policy Controller should export metrics to.
- Empty = $Empty
- A generic empty message that you can re-use to avoid defining duplicated empty messages in your APIs.
- Expr = $Expr
- Represents a textual expression in the Common Expression Language (CEL) syntax.
- FleetObservabilityMembershipSpec = $Empty
- FleetObservability: The membership-specific input for FleetObservability feature.
- FleetObservabilityMembershipState = $Empty
- FleetObservability: Membership-specific Feature state for fleetobservability.
- GoogleRpcStatus = $Status
type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs. - Location = $Location00
- A resource that represents a Google Cloud location.
- PolicyControllerMonitoringConfig = $Shared08
- MonitoringConfig specifies the backends Policy Controller should export metrics to.
- ScopeFeatureSpec = $Empty
- ScopeFeatureSpec contains feature specs for a fleet scope.
- TestIamPermissionsRequest = $TestIamPermissionsRequest00
Request message for
method. - TestIamPermissionsResponse = $PermissionsResponse
Response message for
Exceptions / Errors
- ApiRequestError
- Represents a general error reported by the API endpoint.
- DetailedApiRequestError
- Represents a specific error reported by the API endpoint.