pub package

A plugin to integrate Google Wallet into your Flutter application.

Getting started

Before you start, follow the setup guide for Google Wallet on Android.


To start using this plugin, add google_wallet as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file:

flutter pub add google_wallet


The following example shows how to check that the Google Wallet API is available, and save a pass to the user's Google Wallet:

import 'package:google_wallet/google_wallet.dart';

final googleWallet = GoogleWallet();
final String jwt = '...'; // your own pass JWT

example() async {
  bool? available;
  bool? saved = false;
  String text;

  // Check if Google Wallet is available
  try {
    available = await googleWallet.isAvailable();
    text = "Google Wallet is available: ${available}";
  } on PlatformException catch (e) {
    text = "Error: '${e.message}'.";

  // Save a pass to Google Wallet
  try {
    if (available == true) {
      saved = await googleWallet.savePassesJwt(jwt);
      text = "Pass saved: ${saved}";
    } else {
      // Wallet unavailable,
      // fall back to saving pass via web: "${jwt}"
      text = "Opened Google Wallet via web";
  } on PlatformException catch (e) {
    text = "Error: '${e.message}'.";

The plugin also provides a Google Wallet button widget:

  style: GoogleWalletButtonStyle.condensed, // or GoogleWalletButtonStyle.primary (default)
  height: 90,
  onPressed: ... // callback function

A complete example of all the above can be found in the example directory.

Note: This is not an officially supported Google product.

