objectLocalization method

Future<List<LocalizedObjectAnnotation>> objectLocalization(
  1. JsonImage jsonImage, {
  2. int maxResults = 10,

The Vision API can detect and extract multiple objects in an image with Object Localization.

Object localization identifies multiple objects in an image and provides a LocalizedObjectAnnotation for each object in the image. Each LocalizedObjectAnnotation identifies information about the object, the position of the object, and rectangular bounds for the region of the image that contains the object.

Object localization identifies both significant and less-prominent objects in an image.


Future<List<LocalizedObjectAnnotation>> objectLocalization(
  JsonImage jsonImage, {
  int maxResults = 10,
}) async {
  final annotatedResponses = await detection(
    maxResults: maxResults,

  return annotatedResponses.localizedObjectAnnotations;