$createCall<Q, R> method

  1. @Deprecated(r'''This method does not invoke interceptors and is superseded by $createStreamingCall and $createUnaryCall which invoke interceptors. If you are getting this warning in autogenerated protobuf client stubs, regenerate these stubs using protobuf compiler plugin version 19.2.0 or newer. ''')
ClientCall<Q, R> $createCall<Q, R>(
  1. ClientMethod<Q, R> method,
  2. Stream<Q> requests, {
  3. CallOptions? options,


@Deprecated(r'''This method does not invoke interceptors and is superseded
by $createStreamingCall and $createUnaryCall which invoke interceptors.

If you are getting this warning in autogenerated protobuf client stubs,
regenerate these stubs using  protobuf compiler plugin version 19.2.0 or newer.
ClientCall<Q, R> $createCall<Q, R>(
    ClientMethod<Q, R> method, Stream<Q> requests,
    {CallOptions? options}) {
  return _channel.createCall(method, requests, _options.mergedWith(options));