AutoCompleteTextField<T> constructor

const AutoCompleteTextField<T>({
  1. required dynamic itemSubmitted(
    1. T
  2. @required GlobalKey<AutoCompleteTextFieldState<T>>? key,
  3. @required StreamController<List<T>>? placeSuggestionController,
  4. @required AutoCompleteOverlayItemBuilder<T>? itemBuilder,
  5. @required Comparator<T>? itemSorter,
  6. @required Filter<T>? itemFilter,
  7. List<TextInputFormatter>? inputFormatters,
  8. TextStyle? style,
  9. InputDecoration? decoration = const InputDecoration(),
  10. StringCallback? textChanged,
  11. StringCallback? textSubmitted,
  12. ValueSetter<bool>? onFocusChanged,
  13. TextInputType? keyboardType = TextInputType.text,
  14. int? suggestionsAmount = 5,
  15. bool? submitOnSuggestionTap = true,
  16. bool? clearOnSubmit = true,
  17. TextInputAction? textInputAction = TextInputAction.done,
  18. TextCapitalization? textCapitalization = TextCapitalization.sentences,
  19. int? minLength = 1,
  20. TextEditingController? controller,
  21. FocusNode? focusNode,
  22. required Color suggestionBackgroundColor,
  23. required Color suggestionDividerColor,


const AutoCompleteTextField(
    {required this.itemSubmitted, //Callback on item selected, this is the item selected of type <T>
      this.key, //GlobalKeylobalKey used to enable addSuggestion etc
      this.placeSuggestionController, //Suggestions that will be displayed
      this.itemBuilder, //Callback to build each item, return a Widget
      this.itemSorter, //Callback to sort items in the form (a of type <T>, b of type <T>)
      this.itemFilter, //Callback to filter item: return true or false depending on input text
      this.decoration = const InputDecoration(),
      this.textChanged, //Callback on input text changed, this is a string
      this.textSubmitted, //Callback on input text submitted, this is also a string
      this.keyboardType = TextInputType.text,
      this.suggestionsAmount =
      5, //The amount of suggestions to show, larger values may result in them going off screen
      this.submitOnSuggestionTap =
      true, //Call textSubmitted on suggestion tap, itemSubmitted will be called no matter what
      this.clearOnSubmit = true, //Clear autoCompleteTextfield on submit
      this.textInputAction = TextInputAction.done,
      this.textCapitalization = TextCapitalization.sentences,
      this.minLength = 1,
      this.focusNode, required this.suggestionBackgroundColor, required this.suggestionDividerColor})
    : super(key: key);