Google Places for Flutter
A Flutter package which uses the Google Maps API to make a TextField that tries to autocomplete places as the user types, with simple smooth animations, providing a nice UI and UX. This will also provide great information about the user selected place, like the coordinates, the bounds to determine the zoom of the GoogleMap widget, and so on.
Extended Google Maps for Flutter plugin
flutter pub add google_places_for_flutter
google_places_for_flutter: ^1.0.0
import 'package:google_places_for_flutter/google_places_for_flutter.dart';
placeType: PlaceType.address, // PlaceType.cities, PlaceType.geocode, PlaceType.region etc
placeholder: 'Enter the address',
'Your Google Map API Key goes here',
onSearch: (Place place) {},
onSelected: (Place place) async {
print('address ${place.description}');
apiKey: 'Your Google Map API Key goes here',
// The language of the autocompletion
language: 'en',
// The position used to give better recomendations. In this case we are using the user position
location: userPosition.coordinates,
radius: 30000,
onSelected: (Place place) async {
final geolocation = await place.geolocation;
// Will animate the GoogleMap camera, taking us to the selected position with an appropriate zoom
final GoogleMapController controller = await _mapController.future;
controller.animateCamera(CameraUpdate.newLatLngBounds(geolocation.bounds, 0));