google_ml_kit library
- AddressEntity
- An address entity extracted from text.
- Barcode
- A class to represent the contents of a barcode in an InputImage.
- BarcodeAddress
- Stores an address obtained from a barcode.
- BarcodeCalenderEvent
- Stores a calendar event obtained from a barcode.
- BarcodeContactInfo
- Stores a person’s or organization’s business card obtained from a barcode.
- BarcodeDriverLicense
- Stores driver’s license or ID card data representation obtained from a barcode.
- BarcodeEmail
- Stores an email message obtained from a barcode.
- BarcodeGeoPoint
- Stores GPS coordinates obtained from a barcode.
- BarcodePhone
- Stores a phone number obtained from a barcode.
- BarcodeScanner
- A barcode scanner that scans and decodes barcodes from a given InputImage.
- BarcodeSMS
- Stores an SMS message obtained from a barcode.
- BarcodeUrl
- Stores url info of the bookmark obtained from a barcode.
- BarcodeValue
- Stores info obtained from a barcode.
- BarcodeWifi
- Stores wifi info obtained from a barcode.
- DateTimeEntity
- A date and time entity extracted from text.
- DetectedObject
- An object detected in an InputImage by ObjectDetector.
- DigitalInkRecognitionContext
- Information about the context in which an ink has been drawn. Pass this object to a DigitalInkRecognizer alongside an Ink to improve the recognition quality.
- DigitalInkRecognizer
- A class to perform handwriting recognition on digital ink.
- DigitalInkRecognizerModelManager
A subclass of ModelManager that manages
required to process the image. - EmailEntity
- An email entity extracted from text.
- Entity
- An entity extracted from a piece of text.
- EntityAnnotation
- An object that contains the possible entities associated with a piece of the text.
- EntityExtractor
- A class that extracts entities from the given input text.
- EntityExtractorModelManager
A subclass of ModelManager that manages
. - Face
- A human face detected in an image.
- FaceContour
- A contour on a human face detected in an image.
- FaceDetector
- A face detector that detects faces in a given InputImage.
- FaceDetectorOptions
- Immutable options for configuring features of FaceDetector.
- FaceLandmark
- A landmark on a human face detected in an image.
- FaceMesh
- Represent face mesh detected by FaceMeshDetector.
- FaceMeshDetector
- A face mesh detector that detects a face mesh in a given InputImage.
- FaceMeshPoint
- Represents a 3D point in face mesh, by index and PointF3D.
- FaceMeshTriangle
- Represents a triangle with 3 generic points.
- FirebaseImageLabelerModelManager
A subclass of ModelManager that manages
required to process the image. - FirebaseLabelerOption
- Options for ImageLabeler using a Firebase model.
- FirebaseObjectDetectorModelManager
A subclass of ModelManager that manages
required to process the image. - FirebaseObjectDetectorOptions
- Options to configure the detector while using a Firebase model.
- FlightNumberEntity
- An flight number entity extracted from text.
- GoogleMlKit
- IbanEntity
- An IBAN entity extracted from text.
- IdentifiedLanguage
- An identified language for the given input text.
- ImageLabel
- Represents a label detected in an image.
- ImageLabeler
- An image labeler that processes and labels InputImage.
- ImageLabelerOptions
- Base options for ImageLabeler.
- Ink
- Represents the user input as a collection of Stroke and serves as input for the handwriting recognition task.
- InputImage
- Image format that ML Kit takes to process the image.
- InputImageMetadata
- Data of image required when creating image from bytes.
- IsbnEntity
- An ISBN entity extracted from text.
- Label
- A label that describes an object detected in an image.
- LanguageIdentifier
- A class that identifies the main language or possible languages for the given text.
- LocalLabelerOptions
- Options for ImageLabeler using a custom local model.
- LocalObjectDetectorOptions
- Options to configure the detector while using a local custom model.
- Message
- Represents a text message from a certain user in a conversation, providing context for SmartReply to generate reply suggestions.
- ModelManager
- A class to manage remote models.
- MoneyEntity
- A money entity extracted from text.
- NaturalLanguage
- ObjectDetector
- An object detector and tracker that detects objects in an InputImage and supports tracking them.
- ObjectDetectorOptions
- Options to configure the detector while using with base model.
- OnDeviceTranslator
- A class that translates on device the given input text.
- OnDeviceTranslatorModelManager
A subclass of ModelManager that manages
required to process the image. - PaymentCardEntity
- A payment card entity extracted from text.
- PhoneEntity
- A phone number entity extracted from text.
- Pose
- Describes a pose detection result.
- PoseDetector
- A detector for performing body-pose estimation.
- PoseDetectorOptions
- Determines the parameters on which PoseDetector works.
- PoseLandmark
- A landmark in a pose detection result.
- RecognitionCandidate
- Individual recognition candidate.
- RecognizedText
- Recognized text in an image.
- SegmentationMask
The result from a
operation. - SelfieSegmenter
- A detector that performs segmentation on a given InputImage.
- SmartReply
- A class that suggests smart replies for given input text.
- SmartReplySuggestionResult
- An object that contains the smart reply suggestion results.
- Stroke
- Represents a sequence of touch points between a pen (resp. touch) down and pen (resp. touch) up event.
- StrokePoint
- A single touch point from the user.
- TextBlock
- A text block recognized in an image that consists of a list of text lines.
- TextElement
- A text element recognized in an image. A text element is roughly equivalent to a space-separated word in most languages.
- TextLine
- A text line recognized in an image that consists of a list of elements.
- TextRecognizer
- A text recognizer that recognizes text from a given InputImage.
- TextSymbol
- A text symbol recognized in an image. Represents a single symbol in an TextElement.
- TrackingNumberEntity
- A tracking number extracted from text.
- UrlEntity
- An URL entity extracted from text.
- Vision
- Get instance of the individual api's using instance of Vision For example To get an instance of ImageLabeler ImageLabeler imageLabeler = GoogleMlKit.instance.imageLabeler();
- WritingArea
- The writing area is the area on the screen where the user can draw an ink.
- BarcodeAddressType
- Address type constants for BarcodeAddress.type
- BarcodeEmailType
- The type of email for BarcodeEmail.type.
- BarcodeFormat
- Barcode formats supported by the barcode scanner. Options for specifying the barcode formats that the library can detect.
- BarcodePhoneType
- The type of phone number for BarcodePhone.type.
- BarcodeType
- Barcode types returned by BarcodeScanner.
- DateTimeGranularity
- The precision of a timestamp that was extracted from text.
- DetectionMode
- The mode for ObjectDetector.
- EntityExtractorLanguage
- Languages supported by EntityExtractor.
- EntityType
- The type of an extracted entity.
- FaceContourType
- Available face contour types detected by FaceDetector.
- FaceDetectorMode
- Option for controlling additional trade-offs in performing face detection.
- FaceLandmarkType
- Available face landmarks detected by FaceDetector.
- FaceMeshContourType
- Type of face mesh contour.
- FaceMeshDetectorOptions
- Options for FaceMeshDetector.
- ImageLabelerType
- Type of ImageLabeler.
- InputImageFormat
- To indicate the format of image while creating input image from bytes
- InputImageRotation
- The camera rotation angle to be specified
- InputImageType
- The type of InputImage.
- ObjectDetectorType
- Type of ObjectDetector.
- PaymentCardNetwork
- The supported payment card networks that can be detected.
- PoseDetectionMode
- The mode for the pose detector.
- PoseDetectionModel
- PoseLandmarkType
- Available pose landmarks detected by PoseDetector.
- SegmenterMode
The mode for the
. - SmartReplySuggestionResultStatus
- Specifies the status of the smart reply result.
- TextRecognitionScript
- Configurations for TextRecognizer for different languages.
- TrackingCarrier
- The supported parcel tracking carriers that can be detected.
- TranslateLanguage
- All supported languages by on-device translation. More information: