1. @BuiltValueEnumConst(wireName: r'OVER_QUERY_LIMIT')
TimeZoneStatus const OVER_QUERY_LIMIT

The status field within the Time Zone response object contains the status of the request. The status field may contain the following values: - OK indicates that the request was successful. - INVALID_REQUEST indicates that the request was malformed. - OVER_DAILY_LIMIT indicates any of the following: - The API key is missing or invalid. - Billing has not been enabled on your account. - A self-imposed usage cap has been exceeded. - The provided method of payment is no longer valid (for example, a credit card has expired). - OVER_QUERY_LIMIT indicates the requestor has exceeded quota. - REQUEST_DENIED indicates that the API did not complete the request. Confirm that the request was sent over HTTPS instead of HTTP. - UNKNOWN_ERROR indicates an unknown error. - ZERO_RESULTS indicates that no time zone data could be found for the specified position or time. Confirm that the request is for a location on land, and not over water.


@BuiltValueEnumConst(wireName: r'OVER_QUERY_LIMIT')
static const TimeZoneStatus OVER_QUERY_LIMIT = _$OVER_QUERY_LIMIT;