placePhoto method

Future<Response<Uint8List>> placePhoto({
  1. required String photoReference,
  2. num? maxheight,
  3. num? maxwidth,
  4. CancelToken? cancelToken,
  5. Map<String, dynamic>? headers,
  6. Map<String, dynamic>? extra,
  7. ValidateStatus? validateStatus,
  8. ProgressCallback? onSendProgress,
  9. ProgressCallback? onReceiveProgress,

placePhoto The Place Photo service, part of the Places API, is a read- only API that allows you to add high quality photographic content to your application. The Place Photo service gives you access to the millions of photos stored in the Places database. When you get place information using a Place Details request, photo references will be returned for relevant photographic content. Find Place, Nearby Search, and Text Search requests also return a single photo reference per place, when relevant. Using the Photo service you can then access the referenced photos and resize the image to the optimal size for your application. Photos returned by the Photo service are sourced from a variety of locations, including business owners and user contributed photos. In most cases, these photos can be used without attribution, or will have the required attribution included as a part of the image. However, if the returned photo element includes a value in the html_attributions field, you will have to include the additional attribution in your application wherever you display the image.


  • photoReference - A string identifier that uniquely identifies a photo. Photo references are returned from either a Place Search or Place Details request.
  • maxheight - Specifies the maximum desired height, in pixels, of the image. If the image is smaller than the values specified, the original image will be returned. If the image is larger in either dimension, it will be scaled to match the smaller of the two dimensions, restricted to its original aspect ratio. Both the maxheight and maxwidth properties accept an integer between 1 and 1600.
  • maxwidth - Specifies the maximum desired width, in pixels, of the image. If the image is smaller than the values specified, the original image will be returned. If the image is larger in either dimension, it will be scaled to match the smaller of the two dimensions, restricted to its original aspect ratio. Both the maxheight and maxwidth properties accept an integer between 1 and 1600.
  • cancelToken - A CancelToken that can be used to cancel the operation
  • headers - Can be used to add additional headers to the request
  • extras - Can be used to add flags to the request
  • validateStatus - A ValidateStatus callback that can be used to determine request success based on the HTTP status of the response
  • onSendProgress - A ProgressCallback that can be used to get the send progress
  • onReceiveProgress - A ProgressCallback that can be used to get the receive progress

Returns a Future containing a Response with a Uint8List as data Throws DioError if API call or serialization fails


Future<Response<Uint8List>> placePhoto({
  required String photoReference,
  num? maxheight,
  num? maxwidth,
  CancelToken? cancelToken,
  Map<String, dynamic>? headers,
  Map<String, dynamic>? extra,
  ValidateStatus? validateStatus,
  ProgressCallback? onSendProgress,
  ProgressCallback? onReceiveProgress,
}) async {
  final _path = r'/maps/api/place/photo';
  final _options = Options(
    method: r'GET',
    responseType: ResponseType.bytes,
    headers: <String, dynamic>{
    extra: <String, dynamic>{
      'secure': <Map<String, String>>[
          'type': 'apiKey',
          'name': 'ApiKeyAuth',
          'keyName': 'key',
          'where': 'query',
    validateStatus: validateStatus,

  final _queryParameters = <String, dynamic>{
    r'photo_reference': encodeQueryParameter(
        _serializers, photoReference, const FullType(String)),
    if (maxheight != null)
          encodeQueryParameter(_serializers, maxheight, const FullType(num)),
    if (maxwidth != null)
          encodeQueryParameter(_serializers, maxwidth, const FullType(num)),

  final _response = await _dio.request<Object>(
    options: _options,
    queryParameters: _queryParameters,
    cancelToken: cancelToken,
    onSendProgress: onSendProgress,
    onReceiveProgress: onReceiveProgress,

  Uint8List _responseData;

  try {
    _responseData = as Uint8List;
  } catch (error, stackTrace) {
    throw DioError(
      requestOptions: _response.requestOptions,
      response: _response,
      type: DioErrorType.other,
      error: error,
    )..stackTrace = stackTrace;

  return Response<Uint8List>(
    data: _responseData,
    headers: _response.headers,
    isRedirect: _response.isRedirect,
    requestOptions: _response.requestOptions,
    redirects: _response.redirects,
    statusCode: _response.statusCode,
    statusMessage: _response.statusMessage,
    extra: _response.extra,