calculateRouteDistance method

String calculateRouteDistance(
  1. List<LatLng> points, {
  2. dynamic decimals,

Calculates the distance between all points in a list


String calculateRouteDistance(List<LatLng> points, {decimals}) {
  double totalDistance = 0.0;

  /// Defaults the number of decimals to 1 if not specified
  decimals ??= 1;

  /// Iterates through all points in the list and calculates
  /// the distance between each point
  for (int i = 0; i < points.length - 1; i++) {
    totalDistance += _routeDistance(
      points[i + 1].latitude,
      points[i + 1].longitude,

  print('TOTAL DISTANCE: ${totalDistance.toStringAsFixed(decimals)} km');

  /// Returns the total distance in km
  return '${totalDistance.toStringAsFixed(decimals)} km';