getMapDataBy method

Future<GeocodeResponse> getMapDataBy({
  1. String address = '',
  2. String lat = '',
  3. String lng = '',
  4. String placeId = '',
  5. ComponentsFilter? componentsFilter,

You must supply one, and only one, of the following fields.

address : The address which you want to geocode.

lat and lng: The LatLng for which you wish to obtain the closest, human-readable address.

placeId : The place ID of the place for which you wish to obtain the closest, human-readable address.

componentsFilter : You can set the Geocoding Service to return address results restricted to a specific area, by using a components filter


Future<GeocodeResponse> getMapDataBy(
    {String address = '',
    String lat = '',
    String lng = '',
    String placeId = '',
    ComponentsFilter? componentsFilter}) async {
  if (lat.isEmpty && lng.isEmpty || lat.isNotEmpty && lng.isNotEmpty) {
    Map<String, dynamic> _queryParameter;
    if (placeId.isEmpty) {
      _queryParameter = <String, dynamic>{
        'key': _apiKey,
        'address': '$address',
        'latlng': '$lat,$lng',
            componentsFilter == null ? '' : componentsFilter.toJson(),
    } else {
      _queryParameter = <String, dynamic>{
        'key': _apiKey,
        'place_id': '$placeId'
    GeocodeResponse _geocodeResponse =
        await _mapSearchCubit.getGeocodeData(_queryParameter);
    print('ADDRESS :: ');
    return _geocodeResponse;
  } else {
    throw ('Either lat & lng should be empty nor lat & lng should fill up');