fetchSuggestions method
Future<List<Suggestion> >
- String input, {
- bool includeFullSuggestionDetails = false,
- required List<
AutoCompleteType> types,
if we should include ALL details that are returned in API suggestions.
(This is sent as true when the onInitialSuggestionClick
is in use)
if we should request postal_code
type return information
instead of address type information.
Future<List<Suggestion>> fetchSuggestions(String input,
{bool includeFullSuggestionDetails = false,
required List<AutoCompleteType> types}) async {
/// OK, we need to check the types array..
String typesString = '';
for (final type in types) {
if (type.onlySingleValueAllowed && types.length > 1) {
throw Exception(
'If $type is specified then it is the ONLY autocomplete type allowed by Google Places. See https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/places/web-service/autocomplete#types');
if (typesString.isNotEmpty) typesString += '|';
typesString += type.typeString;
if (types.length > 5) {
throw Exception(
'A maximum of 5 autocomplete types are allowed by Google Places. See https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/places/web-service/autocomplete#types');
final Map<String, dynamic> parameters = <String, dynamic>{
'input': input,
'types': typesString,
'key': mapsApiKey,
'sessiontoken': sessionToken
if (language != null) {
parameters.addAll(<String, dynamic>{'language': language});
if (compomentCountry != null) {
.addAll(<String, dynamic>{'components': 'country:$compomentCountry'});
final Uri request = Uri(
scheme: 'https',
host: 'maps.googleapis.com',
path: '/maps/api/place/autocomplete/json',
queryParameters: parameters);
final response = await client.get(request);
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
final result = json.decode(response.body);
if (result['status'] == 'OK') {
if (debugJson) {
title: 'GOOGLE MAP API RETURN VALUE result["predictions"]');
// compose suggestions in a list
return result['predictions'].map<Suggestion>((p) {
if (includeFullSuggestionDetails) {
// Package everything useful from API json
final mainText = p['structured_formatting']?['main_text'];
final secondaryText = p['structured_formatting']?['secondary_text'];
final terms = p['terms']
.map<String>((term) => term['value'] as String)
final types =
p['types'].map<String>((atype) => atype as String).toList();
return Suggestion(p['place_id'], p['description'],
mainText: mainText,
secondaryText: secondaryText,
terms: terms,
types: types);
} else {
// just use the simple Suggestion parts we need
return Suggestion(p['place_id'], p['description']);
if (result['status'] == 'ZERO_RESULTS') {
return [];
throw Exception(result['error_message']);
} else {
throw Exception('Failed to fetch suggestion');