BitmapDescriptor.fromJson constructor

  1. @Deprecated('No longer supported')
  1. Object json

The inverse of .toJson.


// TODO(stuartmorgan): Remove this in the next breaking change.
@Deprecated('No longer supported')
BitmapDescriptor.fromJson(Object json) : _json = json {
  assert(_json is List<dynamic>);
  final List<dynamic> jsonList = json as List<dynamic>;
  switch (jsonList[0]) {
    case _defaultMarker:
      assert(jsonList.length <= 2);
      if (jsonList.length == 2) {
        assert(jsonList[1] is num);
        final num secondElement = jsonList[1] as num;
        assert(0 <= secondElement && secondElement < 360);
    case _fromBytes:
      assert(jsonList.length == 2);
      assert(jsonList[1] != null && jsonList[1] is List<int>);
      assert((jsonList[1] as List<int>).isNotEmpty);
    case _fromAsset:
      assert(jsonList.length <= 3);
      assert(jsonList[1] != null && jsonList[1] is String);
      assert((jsonList[1] as String).isNotEmpty);
      if (jsonList.length == 3) {
        assert(jsonList[2] != null && jsonList[2] is String);
        assert((jsonList[2] as String).isNotEmpty);
    case _fromAssetImage:
      assert(jsonList.length <= 4);
      assert(jsonList[1] != null && jsonList[1] is String);
      assert((jsonList[1] as String).isNotEmpty);
      assert(jsonList[2] != null && jsonList[2] is double);
      if (jsonList.length == 4) {
        assert(jsonList[3] != null && jsonList[3] is List<dynamic>);
        assert((jsonList[3] as List<dynamic>).length == 2);