TileOverlay constructor

const TileOverlay({
  1. required TileOverlayId tileOverlayId,
  2. bool fadeIn = true,
  3. TileProvider? tileProvider,
  4. double transparency = 0.0,
  5. int zIndex = 0,
  6. bool visible = true,
  7. int tileSize = 256,

Creates an immutable representation of a TileOverlay to draw on GoogleMap.


const TileOverlay({
  required this.tileOverlayId,
  this.fadeIn = true,
  this.transparency = 0.0,
  this.zIndex = 0,
  this.visible = true,
  this.tileSize = 256,
}) : assert(transparency >= 0.0 && transparency <= 1.0);