addMarkerRaw method

  1. @override
void addMarkerRaw(
  1. GeoCoord position, {
  2. String? label,
  3. String? icon,
  4. String? info,
  5. String? infoSnippet,
  6. ValueChanged<String>? onTap,
  7. VoidCallback? onInfoWindowTap,

Adds a marker to the map by given position.

label can be set only for web.

If icon is set, must be a path to an image from project root as follows: assets/images/image.png. Or it must be an instance of ByteString.

If info is set and click event will be fired, will be shown popup with info within.

  • For web info could be a String or HTML String
  • For mobile info could be only a String

infoSnippet sets snippet text for InfoWindow.

If onTap is not null, info popup will not be shown.

if onInfoWindowTap is set, it will be called once InfoWindow will be tapped.

If marker with same position have been already added, addition of a new marker will be ignored.


void addMarkerRaw(
  GeoCoord position, {
  String? label,
  String? icon,
  String? info,
  String? infoSnippet,
  ValueChanged<String>? onTap,
  VoidCallback? onInfoWindowTap,
}) =>
    throw UnimplementedError();