Place class

  • @JsonSerializable(fieldRename: FieldRename.snake, explicitToJson: true)


Place({List<AddressComponent>? addressComponents, String? adrAddress, String? businessStatus, bool? curbsidePickup, PlaceOpeningHours? currentOpeningHours, bool? delivery, bool? dineIn, PlaceEditorialSummary? editorialSummary, String? formattedAddress, String? formattedPhoneNumber, Geometry? geometry, String? icon, String? iconBackgroundColor, String? iconMaskBaseUri, String? internationalPhoneNumber, String? name, PlaceOpeningHours? openingHours, List<PlacePhoto>? photos, String? placeId, PlusCode? plusCode, int? priceLevel, double? rating, bool? reservable, List<PlaceReview>? reviews, List<PlaceOpeningHours>? secondaryOpeningHours, bool? servesBeer, bool? servesBreakfast, bool? servesBrunch, bool? servesDinner, bool? servesLunch, bool? servesVegetarianFood, bool? servesWine, bool? takeout, List<String>? types, String? url, int? userRatingsTotal, int? utcOffset, String? vicinity, String? website, bool? wheelchairAccessibleEntrance})
Place.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json)


addressComponents List<AddressComponent>?
An array containing the separate components applicable to this address.
adrAddress String?
A representation of the place's address in the adr microformat.
businessStatus String?
Indicates the operational status of the place, if it is a business. If no data exists, business_status is not returned. The allowed values include: OPERATIONAL, CLOSED_TEMPORARILY, and CLOSED_PERMANENTLY
curbsidePickup bool?
Specifies if the business supports curbside pickup.
currentOpeningHours PlaceOpeningHours?
Contains the hours of operation for the next seven days (including today). The time period starts at midnight on the date of the request and ends at 11:59 pm six days later.
delivery bool?
Specifies if the business supports delivery.
dineIn bool?
Specifies if the business supports indoor or outdoor seating options.
editorialSummary PlaceEditorialSummary?
Contains a summary of the place. A summary is comprised of a textual overview, and also includes the language code for these if applicable. Summary text must be presented as-is and can not be modified or altered.
formattedAddress String?
A string containing the human-readable address of this place.
formattedPhoneNumber String?
Contains the place's phone number in its local format.
geometry Geometry?
Contains the location and viewport for the location.
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setteroverride
icon String?
Contains the URL of a suggested icon which may be displayed to the user when indicating this result on a map.
iconBackgroundColor String?
Contains the default HEX color code for the place's category.
iconMaskBaseUri String?
Contains the URL of a recommended icon, minus the .svg or .png file type extension.
internationalPhoneNumber String?
Contains the place's phone number in international format. International format includes the country code, and is prefixed with the plus, +, sign.
name String?
Contains the human-readable name for the returned result. For establishment results, this is usually the canonicalized business name.
openingHours PlaceOpeningHours?
Contains the regular hours of operation.
photos List<PlacePhoto>?
An array of photo objects, each containing a reference to an image. A request may return up to ten photos. More information about place photos and how you can use the images in your application can be found in the Place Photos documentation.
placeId String?
A textual identifier that uniquely identifies a place.
plusCode PlusCode?
An encoded location reference, derived from latitude and longitude coordinates, that represents an area: 1/8000th of a degree by 1/8000th of a degree (about 14m x 14m at the equator) or smaller.
priceLevel int?
The price level of the place, on a scale of 0 to 4. The exact amount indicated by a specific value will vary from region to region. Price levels are interpreted as follows:
rating double?
Contains the place's rating, from 1.0 to 5.0, based on aggregated user reviews.
reservable bool?
Specifies if the place supports reservations.
reviews List<PlaceReview>?
A array of up to five reviews. By default, the reviews are sorted in order of relevance. Use the reviews_sort request parameter to control sorting. For most_relevant (default), reviews are sorted by relevance; the service will bias the results to return reviews originally written in the preferred language. For newest, reviews are sorted in chronological order; the preferred language does not affect the sort order. Google recommends indicating to users whether results are ordered by most_relevant or newest.
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
secondaryOpeningHours List<PlaceOpeningHours>?
Contains an array of entries for the next seven days including information about secondary hours of a business. Secondary hours are different from a business's main hours. For example, a restaurant can specify drive through hours or delivery hours as its secondary hours. This field populates the type subfield, which draws from a predefined list of opening hours types (such as DRIVE_THROUGH, PICKUP, or TAKEOUT) based on the types of the place. This field includes the special_days subfield of all hours, set for dates that have exceptional hours.
servesBeer bool?
Specifies if the place serves beer.
servesBreakfast bool?
Specifies if the place serves breakfast.
servesBrunch bool?
Specifies if the place serves brunch.
servesDinner bool?
Specifies if the place serves dinner.
servesLunch bool?
Specifies if the place serves lunch.
servesVegetarianFood bool?
Specifies if the place serves vegetarian food.
servesWine bool?
Specifies if the place serves wine.
takeout bool?
Specifies if the business supports takeout.
types List<String>?
Contains an array of feature types describing the given result. See the list of supported types.
url String?
Contains the URL of the official Google page for this place. This will be the Google-owned page that contains the best available information about the place. Applications must link to or embed this page on any screen that shows detailed results about the place to the user.
userRatingsTotal int?
The total number of reviews, with or without text, for this place.
utcOffset int?
Contains the number of minutes this place’s current timezone is offset from UTC. For example, for places in Sydney, Australia during daylight saving time this would be 660 (+11 hours from UTC), and for places in California outside of daylight saving time this would be -480 (-8 hours from UTC).
vicinity String?
For establishment (types:"establishment", ...) results only, the vicinity field contains a simplified address for the place, including the street name, street number, and locality, but not the province/state, postal code, or country.
website String?
The authoritative website for this place, such as a business' homepage.
wheelchairAccessibleEntrance bool?
Specifies if the place has an entrance that is wheelchair-accessible.


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toJson() Map<String, dynamic>
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.