OverridableTokenClientConfig constructor
Constructs an OverridableTokenClientConfig object in JavaScript.
factory OverridableTokenClientConfig({
/// A list of scopes that identify the resources that your application could
/// access on the user's behalf. These values inform the consent screen that
/// Google displays to the user.
// b/251971390
List<String>? scope,
/// Enables applications to use incremental authorization to request access
/// to additional scopes in context. If you set this parameter's value to
/// `false` and the authorization request is granted, then the new access
/// token will only cover any scopes to which the `scope` requested in this
/// [OverridableTokenClientConfig].
bool? include_granted_scopes,
/// A space-delimited, case-sensitive list of prompts to present the user.
/// See `prompt` in [TokenClientConfig].
String? prompt,
/// If set to false, "more granular Google Account permissions" would be
/// disabled for OAuth client IDs created before 2019. If both
/// `enable_granular_consent` and `enable_serial_consent` are set, only
/// `enable_granular_consent` value would take effect and
/// `enable_serial_consent` value would be ignored.
/// No effect for newer OAuth client IDs, since more granular permissions is
/// always enabled for them.
bool? enable_granular_consent,
/// This has the same effect as `enable_granular_consent`. Existing
/// applications that use `enable_serial_consent` can continue to do so, but
/// you are encouraged to update your code to use `enable_granular_consent`
/// in your next application update.
/// See: https://developers.googleblog.com/2018/10/more-granular-google-account.html
@Deprecated('Use `enable_granular_consent` instead.')
bool? enable_serial_consent,
/// When your app knows which user it is trying to authenticate, it can
/// provide this parameter as a hint to the authentication server. Passing
/// this hint suppresses the account chooser and either pre-fills the email
/// box on the sign-in form, or selects the proper session (if the user is
/// using multiple sign-in), which can help you avoid problems that occur if
/// your app logs in the wrong user account.
/// The value can be either an email address or the `sub` string, which is
/// equivalent to the user's Google ID.
/// About Multiple Sign-in: https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/1721977
String? login_hint,
/// **Not recommended.** Specifies any string value that your application
/// uses to maintain state between your authorization request and the
/// authorization server's response.
String? state,
}) {
assert(scope == null || scope.isNotEmpty);
return OverridableTokenClientConfig._toJS(
scope: scope?.join(' ').toJS,
include_granted_scopes: include_granted_scopes?.toJS,
prompt: prompt?.toJS,
enable_granular_consent: enable_granular_consent?.toJS,
enable_serial_consent: enable_serial_consent?.toJS,
login_hint: login_hint?.toJS,
state: state?.toJS,