GoogleAccountsIdExtension extension

The methods



cancel() → void
Cancels the One Tap flow.
disableAutoSelect() → void
Record when the user signs out of your website in cookies.
initialize(IdConfiguration idConfiguration) → void
Initializes the Sign In With Google client based on IdConfiguration.
prompt([PromptMomentListenerFn? momentListener]) → void
The prompt method displays the One Tap prompt or the browser native credential manager after the initialize method is invoked.
renderButton(Object parent, [GsiButtonConfiguration? options]) → void
Renders a Sign In With Google button in your web page.
revoke(String hint, [RevocationResponseHandlerFn? callback]) → void
Revokes the OAuth grant used to share the ID token for the specified user.
setLogLevel(String level) → void
An undocumented method.
storeCredential(Credential credential, [VoidFn? callback]) → void
A wrapper for the store method of the browser's native credential manager API.