text property

String? text

The concatenation of the text parts of content, if any.

If this candidate was finished for a reason of FinishReason.recitation or FinishReason.safety, accessing this text will throw a GenerativeAIException.

If content contains any text parts, this value is the concatenation of the text.

If content does not contain any text parts, this value is null.


String? get text {
  if (finishReason case FinishReason.recitation || FinishReason.safety) {
    final String suffix;
    if (finishMessage case final message? when message.isNotEmpty) {
      suffix = ': $message';
    } else {
      suffix = '';
    throw GenerativeAIException(
        'Candidate was blocked due to $finishReason$suffix');
  return switch (content.parts) {
    // Special case for a single TextPart to avoid iterable chain.
    [TextPart(:final text)] => text,
    final parts when parts.any((p) => p is TextPart) =>
      parts.whereType<TextPart>().map((p) => p.text).join(''),
    _ => null,