Google Drive API Wrapper This Dart package serves as a convenient wrapper for Google Drive APIs, simplifying interaction with Google Drive files.


List Files: Retrieve a list of files from Google Drive. Get File: Get detailed information about a specific file.

Getting started

Before using this package, ensure you have a mechanism in place to authenticate users with Google. The functions in this package require an access token, which you will obtain after completing authentication with Google.


// Authenticate user with Google and retrieve access token String accessToken = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN';

// Initialize GoogleDrive instance GoogleDrive gDrive = GoogleDrive(authToken: accessToken);

// List files in Google Drive gDrive.listFiles().then((value) => print(value));

Response will have the following structure-->> { kind: 'drive#fileList', incompleteSearch: false, files: {kind: 'drive#file', mimeType: 'application/json', id: '1aqW7xQxy_1RT3wZDYYU04XufnuzIhAmU', name: 'FILE1.json'}, {kind: 'drive#file', mimeType: 'application/json', id: '10eGLARif1oIUBiAxlsgQZQ15iEOSC1MO', name: 'FILE2.json'}, {kind: 'drive#file', mimeType: 'image/svg+xml', id: '1LCSVoK-QHjjffkJUzTUBIyU8jrTVp_0f', name: 'FILE3.json'} }

Additional information

This project is still in progress and supports only a limited number of features. For production apps, please refer to the official Google Drive API documentation( and implement your own code accordingly.