publicKey property

  1. @TagNumber(2)
PublicKeyCredential get publicKey

A public key used to verify the signature of JSON Web Tokens (JWTs). When adding a new device credential, either via device creation or via modifications, this public key credential may be required to be signed by one of the registry level certificates. More specifically, if the registry contains at least one certificate, any new device credential must be signed by one of the registry certificates. As a result, when the registry contains certificates, only X.509 certificates are accepted as device credentials. However, if the registry does not contain a certificate, self-signed certificates and public keys will be accepted. New device credentials must be different from every registry-level certificate.


PublicKeyCredential get publicKey => $_getN(0);
  1. @TagNumber(2)
set publicKey (PublicKeyCredential v)


set publicKey(PublicKeyCredential v) { setField(2, v); }