backupRetainDays property

  1. @TagNumber(2)
int get backupRetainDays

The default maximum age of a Backup created via this BackupPlan. This field MUST be an integer value >= 0 and <= 365. If specified, a Backup created under this BackupPlan will be automatically deleted after its age reaches (create_time + backup_retain_days). If not specified, Backups created under this BackupPlan will NOT be subject to automatic deletion. Updating this field does NOT affect existing Backups under it. Backups created AFTER a successful update will automatically pick up the new value. NOTE: backup_retain_days must be >= If is defined, then this must be <= 360 * the creation interval.

Default: 0 (no automatic deletion)


$ get backupRetainDays => $_getIZ(1);
  1. @TagNumber(2)
set backupRetainDays (int v)


set backupRetainDays($ v) { $_setSignedInt32(1, v); }