teardownPolicy property

  1. @TagNumber(6)
TeardownPolicy teardownPolicy

Sets the policy for determining when to turndown worker pool. Allowed values are: TEARDOWN_ALWAYS, TEARDOWN_ON_SUCCESS, and TEARDOWN_NEVER. TEARDOWN_ALWAYS means workers are always torn down regardless of whether the job succeeds. TEARDOWN_ON_SUCCESS means workers are torn down if the job succeeds. TEARDOWN_NEVER means the workers are never torn down.

If the workers are not torn down by the service, they will continue to run and use Google Compute Engine VM resources in the user's project until they are explicitly terminated by the user. Because of this, Google recommends using the TEARDOWN_ALWAYS policy except for small, manually supervised test jobs.

If unknown or unspecified, the service will attempt to choose a reasonable default.


TeardownPolicy get teardownPolicy => $_getN(5);
  1. @TagNumber(6)
void teardownPolicy=(TeardownPolicy v)


set teardownPolicy(TeardownPolicy v) { setField(6, v); }