sizeGb property

  1. @TagNumber(2)
Int64 sizeGb

Disk size in GB.

For persistent disk, this field is ignored if data_source is image or snapshot. For local SSD, size_gb should be a multiple of 375GB, otherwise, the final size will be the next greater multiple of 375 GB. For boot disk, Batch will calculate the boot disk size based on source image and task requirements if you do not speicify the size. If both this field and the boot_disk_mib field in task spec's compute_resource are defined, Batch will only honor this field.


$fixnum.Int64 get sizeGb => $_getI64(1);
  1. @TagNumber(2)
void sizeGb=(Int64 v)


set sizeGb($fixnum.Int64 v) { $_setInt64(1, v); }