image property

  1. @TagNumber(4)
String image

Name of a public or custom image used as the data source. For example, the following are all valid URLs:

  • Specify the image by its family name: projects/{project}/global/images/family/{image_family}
  • Specify the image version: projects/{project}/global/images/{image_version}

You can also use Batch customized image in short names. The following image values are supported for a boot disk:

  • "batch-debian": use Batch Debian images.
  • "batch-centos": use Batch CentOS images.
  • "batch-cos": use Batch Container-Optimized images.
  • "batch-hpc-centos": use Batch HPC CentOS images.


$core.String get image => $_getSZ(2);
  1. @TagNumber(4)
void image=(String v)


set image($core.String v) { $_setString(2, v); }