AdBreakPlacement constructor

  1. required BreakType type,
  2. String? name,
  3. H5BeforeAdCallback? beforeAd,
  4. H5AfterAdCallback? afterAd,
  5. H5BeforeRewardCallback? beforeReward,
  6. H5AdDismissedCallback? adDismissed,
  7. H5AdViewedCallback? adViewed,
  8. H5AdBreakDoneCallback? adBreakDone,

Creates an ad placement configuration that can be passed to adBreak.

The following parameters are available:

  • type: The type of the placement. See BreakType.
  • name: A name for this particular ad placement within your game. It is an internal identifier, and is not shown to the player. Recommended.
  • beforeAd: Called before the ad is displayed. The game should pause and mute the sound. These actions must be done synchronously. The ad will be displayed immediately after this callback finishes..
  • afterAd: Called after the ad is finished (for any reason). For rewarded ads, it is called after either adDismissed or adViewed, depending on player actions
  • beforeReward: Called if a rewarded ad is available. The function should take a single argument showAdFn which must be called to display the rewarded ad.
  • adDismissed: Called if the player dismisses the ad before it completes. In this case the reward should not be granted.
  • adViewed: Called when the player completes the ad and should be granted the reward.
  • adBreakDone: Always called as the last step in an adBreak, even if there was no ad shown. Takes as argument a placementInfo object. See AdBreakDonePlacementInfo, and:

This factory can create any type of placement configuration. Read the Placement Types documentation for more information.


factory AdBreakPlacement({
  required BreakType type,
  String? name,
  H5BeforeAdCallback? beforeAd,
  H5AfterAdCallback? afterAd,
  H5BeforeRewardCallback? beforeReward,
  H5AdDismissedCallback? adDismissed,
  H5AdViewedCallback? adViewed,
  H5AdBreakDoneCallback? adBreakDone,
}) {
  return AdBreakPlacement._toJS(
    name: '$_namePrefix${name ?? ''}'.toJS,
    beforeAd: beforeAd?.toJS,
    afterAd: afterAd?.toJS,
    beforeReward: beforeReward != null
        ? (JSFunction showAdFn) {
            beforeReward(() {
              // Delay the call to `showAdFn` so tap users don't trigger a click on the
              // ad on pointerup. This should leaves enough time for Flutter to settle
              // its tap events, before triggering the H5 ad.
              Timer(const Duration(milliseconds: 100), () {
        : null,
    adDismissed: adDismissed?.toJS,
    adViewed: adViewed?.toJS,
    adBreakDone: adBreakDone?.toJS,