[![License: MIT]license_badge
Installation 💻
❗ In order to start using GoMarketMe, you must install this SDK in your app.
Run this command:
flutter pub add gomarketme
This will add a line like this to your package's pubspec.yaml (and run an implicit dart pub get):
gomarketme: ^2.0.4
Usage 🚀
To initialize GoMarketMe, import the gomarketme
package and create a new instance of GoMarketMe
import 'package:gomarketme/gomarketme.dart';
Future<void> main() async {
GoMarketMe().initialize('API_KEY'); // Initialize with your API key
runApp(const MyApp());
Make sure to replace API_KEY with your actual GoMarketMe API key. You can find it on the product onboarding page and under Profile > API Key.