
Utilities to automate screenshot generation using Flutter's golden tests.

The generated screenshots are suitable for the App Store, Play Store, F-Droid, Flathub (Linux), etc, and are saved in a Fastlane-compatible directory structure (e.g. metadata/en-US/images/phoneScreenshots/1_home.png) by default. See lib/src/screenshot_device.dart for the default list of devices, or have a look at Customization to customize the devices, frames, and location of the screenshots.

Getting started

In your pubspec.yaml file, add golden_screenshot as a dev_dependency before running flutter pub get:

    sdk: flutter
  golden_screenshot: ^x.y.z # Replace x.y.z with the latest version

Then create a file in your test directory (e.g. test/screenshot_test.dart) and use example/test/screenshots_test.dart as a template to create your own tests.

The main portion might look something like this:

      goldenFileName: '1_home',
      child: const HomePage(),
      gameSave: inProgressGameSave,
      frameColors: playPageFrameColors,
      goldenFileName: '2_play',
      child: const PlayPage(),
      goldenFileName: '4_shop',
      child: const ShopPage(),
      goldenFileName: '5_tutorial',
      child: const TutorialPage(),
      goldenFileName: '6_settings',
      child: const SettingsPage(),

If you're familiar with golden tests in Flutter, you'll notice some differences...

We use testGoldens instead of testWidgets to create the tests, which enables shadows inside golden files. By default, Flutter disables them since shadows are rendered ever-so-slightly differently every time, but we handle this by using a fuzzy comparator.

Additionally, instead of using expectLater, we use tester.expectScreenshot:

// OLD
await expectLater(find.byType(HomePage), matchesGoldenFile('path/to/1_home'));
// NEW
await tester.expectScreenshot(device, '1_home');

tester.expectScreenshot internally enables a fuzzy comparator which allows for small (0.1% configurable) differences between the expected and actual image, whereas Flutter typically expects every pixel to be exactly the same.


Once you have created your test file, run the following command to generate the screenshots:

flutter test test/screenshot_test.dart --update-goldens


Custom devices

If you don't want to use the default set of devices (GoldenScreenshotDevices), you can create your own set of devices by creating an enum containing ScreenshotDevice instances. See GoldenScreenshotDevices for what your enum should look like.

enum MyScreenshotDevices {
    resolution: Size(1440, 3120),
    pixelRatio: 10 / 3,
    goldenSubFolder: 'phoneScreenshots/',
    resolution: Size(2732, 2048),
    pixelRatio: 2,
    goldenSubFolder: 'tenInchScreenshots/',

  const GoldenScreenshotDevices(this.device);
  final ScreenshotDevice device;

Custom frames

You can create your own frames by creating a widget whose contructor has the same signature as ScreenshotFrame's constructor, i.e. has the type ScreenshotFrameBuilder.

You can then pass your frame's constructor to the ScreenshotDevice's frameBuilder parameter as above.

class MyTabletFrame extends StatelessWidget {
  const MyTabletFrame({
    required this.device,
    required this.child,

  final ScreenshotDevice device;
  final ScreenshotFrameColors? frameColors;
  final Widget child;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    // Your frame implementation

Custom screenshot directory

By default, the screenshots are saved in ../metadata/\$localeCode/images/. The ../ is because this path is relative to the test directory.

You can change this by setting ScreenshotDevice.screenshotsFolder to something else. This path should end with a slash too.

void main() {
  ScreenshotDevice.screenshotsFolder = 'path/to/screenshots/';
  testGoldens('...', (tester) async {


Utilities to automate screenshot generation using Flutter's golden tests.