A go_router package add-on to improve tabbed navigation. It features a special ShellRoute that provides both the selected navigation item index and transition direction - regardless of the current route's nesting level or the user's navigation path.

An animation of a web app navigating between tabs using this package.

:sparkles: Features

  • Seamless integration with existing GoRouter setups.
  • Provides the selected navigation item index no matter how deeply nested the current route is or how the user got there.
  • Provides the direction the user came from so you can build awesome transitions based on the previous and current navigation item index.
  • Nested navigation bar setups work without an issue.
  • No need for global navigation bar controllers.
  • Comes with an extension on GoRouter's CustomTransitionPage to allow for better control over your transitions.
  • Comes with neat transition presets.

:rocket: Getting started

Note: You'll need to install the go_router package seperately. This package no longer exports go_router to allow you to set a specific version of go_router in your app if required.

Install it:

flutter pub add go_router_tabs

Import it:

import 'package:go_router_tabs/go_router_tabs.dart';

Now check out the example to see this awesome package in action!

:joystick: Usage

:boom: Breaking Changes from 0.3.0!

These changes allow for custom GoRoutes or ShellRoutes:

  • childPageBuilder has been renamed to subPageBuilder.
  • TabShellRoute no longer sets the page builders of its sub-routes.
  • Instead, the subPageBuilder and direction are passed into routes which is now a List Function().
  • See the Usage/TabShellRoute section for more details...


Because TabShellRoute().toShellRoute is a ShellRoute you can add it anywhere within your existing GoRouter routes list:

  routes: [

Both the builder and pageBuilder give you the index of the currently displayed sub-route - it even works when the current route is nested deep within a sub-route:

  builder: (context, state, index, child) {
    return MyNavigationBarPage(
      selectedIndex: index,
      child: child,

The subPageBuilder is an optional page builder for the sub-routes and is used to avoid duplicate code. It gives you the direction - useful for slide transitions for example - based on the previous and current sub-route. The direction parameter is actually a TextDirection Function() and needs to be evoked inside your transitions builder to fetch the latest direction from the TabShellRoute.

  subPageBuilder: (context, state, direction, child) {
    return TabTransitionPage(
      key: state.pageKey, // IMPORTANT! DON'T FORGET!
      child: child,
      direction: direction,
      transitionsBuilder: TabTransitionPage.verticalSlideFadeTransition,

routes is a builder that comes with sub page builder (which is defined by you in subPageBuilder) and direction parameters. Now you can add GoRoutes, ShellRoutes, TabShellRoutes or your own custom routes:

  builder: (context, state, index, child) {
    return MyNavigationBarPage(
      selectedIndex: index,
      child: child,
  subPageBuilder: (context, state, direction, child) {
    return TabTransitionPage(
      key: state.pageKey,
      child: child,
      direction: direction,
      transitionsBuilder: TabTransitionPage.verticalSlideFadeTransition,
  routes: (subPageBuilder, direction) => [
      path: "/first",
      pageBuilder: (context, state) => subPageBuilder!(
        child: const FirstScreen(),
      path: "/second",
      pageBuilder: (context, state) => subPageBuilder!(
        child: const SecondScreen(),


This package also comes with TabTransitionPage, an extension on GoRouter's CustomTransitionPage.

TabTransitionPage allows you to specify the in and out curves of a transition:

  transitionInCurve: Curves.bounceOut,
  transitionOutCurve: Curves.bounceOut,

The transitionsBuilder comes with an additional direction parameter - useful for slide transitions. You'll need to pass in the direction parameter from the subPageBuilder.

  direction: direction,
  transitionsBuilder: (context, animation, secondaryAnimation, direction, child) {
    final slideTween = Tween<Offset>(
      begin: direction == TextDirection.ltr
        ? const Offset(-1, 0)
        : const Offset(1, 0),
      end: const Offset(0, 0),
    final secondarySlideTween = Tween<Offset>(
      begin: const Offset(0, 0),
      end: direction == TextDirection.ltr
        ? const Offset(1, 0)
        : const Offset(-1, 0),
    return SlideTransition(
      position: slideTween.animate(animation),
      child: SlideTransition(
        position: secondarySlideTween.animate(secondaryAnimation),
        child: child,

DON'T FORGET TO PASS THE KEY! Otherwise the transition won't work properly.

  key: state.pageKey,

TabTransitionPage also comes with some handy transition presets:


:information_source: Additional Information

Please don't hesitate to report any issues or feature requests on GitHub.

