remove method

RouteMatchList remove(
  1. RouteMatchBase match

Returns a new instance of RouteMatchList with the input match removed from the current instance.


RouteMatchList remove(RouteMatchBase match) {
  final List<RouteMatchBase> newMatches =
      _removeRouteMatchFromList(matches, match);
  if (newMatches == matches) {
    return this;

  final String fullPath = _generateFullPath(newMatches);
  if (this.fullPath == fullPath) {
    return copyWith(
      matches: newMatches,
  // Need to remove path parameters that are no longer in the fullPath.
  final List<String> newParameters = <String>[];
  patternToRegExp(fullPath, newParameters);
  final Set<String> validParameters = newParameters.toSet();
  final Map<String, String> newPathParameters =
      Map<String, String>.fromEntries(
    pathParameters.entries.where((MapEntry<String, String> value) =>
  final Uri newUri =
      uri.replace(path: patternToPath(fullPath, newPathParameters));
  return copyWith(
    matches: newMatches,
    uri: newUri,
    pathParameters: newPathParameters,