glfwSetKeyCallback function

GLFWkeyfun glfwSetKeyCallback(
  1. Pointer<GLFWwindow> window,
  2. GLFWkeyfun callback

! @brief Sets the key callback.

This function sets the key callback of the specified window, which is called when a key is pressed, repeated or released.

The key functions deal with physical keys, with layout independent key tokens(@ref keys) named after their values in the standard US keyboard layout. If you want to input text, use the character callback(@ref glfwSetCharCallback) instead.

When a window loses input focus, it will generate synthetic key release events for all pressed keys with associated key tokens. You can tell these events from user-generated events by the fact that the synthetic ones are generated after the focus loss event has been processed, i.e. after the window focus callback(@ref glfwSetWindowFocusCallback) has been called.

The scancode of a key is specific to that platform or sometimes even to that machine. Scancodes are intended to allow users to bind keys that don't have a GLFW key token. Such keys have key set to GLFW_KEY_UNKNOWN, their state is not saved and so it cannot be queried with @ref glfwGetKey.

Sometimes GLFW needs to generate synthetic key events, in which case the scancode may be zero.

@paramin window The window whose callback to set. @paramin callback The new key callback, or NULL to remove the currently set callback. @return The previously set callback, or NULL if no callback was set or the library had not been initialized(@ref intro_init).

@callback_signature @code void function_name(GLFWwindow* window, int key, int scancode, int action, int mods) @endcode For more information about the callback parameters, see the function pointer type(@ref GLFWkeyfun).

@errors Possible errors include @ref GLFW_NOT_INITIALIZED.

@thread_safety This function must only be called from the main thread.

@sa @ref input_key

@since Added in version 1.0. @glfw3 Added window handle parameter and return value.

@ingroup input

GLFWAPI GLFWkeyfun glfwSetKeyCallback(GLFWwindow* window, GLFWkeyfun callback)


GLFWkeyfun glfwSetKeyCallback(Pointer<GLFWwindow> window, GLFWkeyfun callback) {
  final glfwSetKeyCallbackLookupFunction = libglfw.lookupFunction<
      GLFWkeyfun Function(Pointer<GLFWwindow> window, GLFWkeyfun callback),
      GLFWkeyfun Function(Pointer<GLFWwindow> window,
          GLFWkeyfun callback)>('glfwSetKeyCallback');
  return glfwSetKeyCallbackLookupFunction(window, callback);