glfwJoystickPresent function

int glfwJoystickPresent(
  1. int jid

! @brief Returns whether the specified joystick is present.

This function returns whether the specified joystick is present.

There is no need to call this function before other functions that accept a joystick ID, as they all check for presence before performing any other work.

@paramin jid The joystick(@ref joysticks) to query. @return GLFW_TRUE if the joystick is present, or GLFW_FALSE otherwise.

@errors Possible errors include @ref GLFW_NOT_INITIALIZED, @ref GLFW_INVALID_ENUM and @ref GLFW_PLATFORM_ERROR.

@thread_safety This function must only be called from the main thread.

@sa @ref joystick

@since Added in version 3.0. Replaces glfwGetJoystickParam.

@ingroup input

GLFWAPI int glfwJoystickPresent(int jid)


int glfwJoystickPresent(int jid) {
  final glfwJoystickPresentLookupFunction =
      libglfw.lookupFunction<Int32 Function(Int32 jid), int Function(int jid)>(
  return glfwJoystickPresentLookupFunction(jid);