glfwGetVersion function

void glfwGetVersion(
  1. Pointer<Int32> major,
  2. Pointer<Int32> minor,
  3. Pointer<Int32> rev

! @brief Retrieves the version of the GLFW library.

This function retrieves the major, minor and revision numbers of the GLFW library. It is intended for when you are using GLFW as a shared library and want to ensure that you are using the minimum required version.

Any or all of the version arguments may be NULL.

@paramout major Where to store the major version number, or NULL. @paramout minor Where to store the minor version number, or NULL. @paramout rev Where to store the revision number, or NULL.

@errors None.

@remark This function may be called before @ref glfwInit.

@thread_safety This function may be called from any thread.

@sa @ref intro_version @sa @ref glfwGetVersionString

@since Added in version 1.0.

@ingroup init

GLFWAPI void glfwGetVersion(int* major, int* minor, int* rev)


void glfwGetVersion(
    Pointer<Int32> major, Pointer<Int32> minor, Pointer<Int32> rev) {
  final glfwGetVersionLookupFunction = libglfw.lookupFunction<
      Void Function(
          Pointer<Int32> major, Pointer<Int32> minor, Pointer<Int32> rev),
      void Function(Pointer<Int32> major, Pointer<Int32> minor,
          Pointer<Int32> rev)>('glfwGetVersion');
  return glfwGetVersionLookupFunction(major, minor, rev);