glfwGetPrimaryMonitor function

Pointer<GLFWmonitor> glfwGetPrimaryMonitor()

! @brief Returns the primary monitor.

This function returns the primary monitor. This is usually the monitor where elements like the task bar or global menu bar are located.

@return The primary monitor, or NULL if no monitors were found or if an error(@ref error_handling) occurred.

@errors Possible errors include @ref GLFW_NOT_INITIALIZED.

@thread_safety This function must only be called from the main thread.

@remark The primary monitor is always first in the array returned by @ref glfwGetMonitors.

@sa @ref monitor_monitors @sa @ref glfwGetMonitors

@since Added in version 3.0.

@ingroup monitor

GLFWAPI GLFWmonitor* glfwGetPrimaryMonitor(void)


Pointer<GLFWmonitor> glfwGetPrimaryMonitor() {
  final glfwGetPrimaryMonitorLookupFunction = libglfw.lookupFunction<
      Pointer<GLFWmonitor> Function(),
      Pointer<GLFWmonitor> Function()>('glfwGetPrimaryMonitor');
  return glfwGetPrimaryMonitorLookupFunction();