glfwGetError function

int glfwGetError(
  1. Pointer<Pointer<Utf8>> description

! @brief Returns and clears the last error for the calling thread.

This function returns and clears the error code(@ref errors) of the last error that occurred on the calling thread, and optionally a UTF-8 encoded human-readable description of it. If no error has occurred since the last call, it returns @ref GLFW_NO_ERROR (zero) and the description pointer is set to NULL.

@paramin description Where to store the error description pointer, or NULL. @return The last error code for the calling thread, or @ref GLFW_NO_ERROR (zero).

@errors None.

@pointer_lifetime The returned string is allocated and freed by GLFW. You should not free it yourself. It is guaranteed to be valid only until the next error occurs or the library is terminated.

@remark This function may be called before @ref glfwInit.

@thread_safety This function may be called from any thread.

@sa @ref error_handling @sa @ref glfwSetErrorCallback

@since Added in version 3.3.

@ingroup init

GLFWAPI int glfwGetError(const char** description)


int glfwGetError(Pointer<Pointer<Utf8>> description) {
  final glfwGetErrorLookupFunction = libglfw.lookupFunction<
      Int32 Function(Pointer<Pointer<Utf8>> description),
      int Function(Pointer<Pointer<Utf8>> description)>('glfwGetError');
  return glfwGetErrorLookupFunction(description);