glfwCreateWindow function

Pointer<GLFWwindow> glfwCreateWindow(
  1. int width,
  2. int height,
  3. String title,
  4. Pointer<GLFWmonitor> monitor,
  5. Pointer<GLFWwindow> share,

! @brief Creates a window and its associated context.

This function creates a window and its associated OpenGL or OpenGL ES context. Most of the options controlling how the window and its context should be created are specified with window hints(@ref window_hints).

Successful creation does not change which context is current. Before you can use the newly created context, you need to make it current(@ref context_current). For information about the share parameter, see @ref context_sharing.

The created window, framebuffer and context may differ from what you requested, as not all parameters and hints are hard constraints(@ref window_hints_hard). This includes the size of the window, especially for full screen windows. To query the actual attributes of the created window, framebuffer and context, see @ref glfwGetWindowAttrib, @ref glfwGetWindowSize and @ref glfwGetFramebufferSize.

To create a full screen window, you need to specify the monitor the window will cover. If no monitor is specified, the window will be windowed mode. Unless you have a way for the user to choose a specific monitor, it is recommended that you pick the primary monitor. For more information on how to query connected monitors, see @ref monitor_monitors.

For full screen windows, the specified size becomes the resolution of the window's desired video mode. As long as a full screen window is not iconified, the supported video mode most closely matching the desired video mode is set for the specified monitor. For more information about full screen windows, including the creation of so called windowed full screen or borderless full screen windows, see @ref window_windowed_full_screen.

Once you have created the window, you can switch it between windowed and full screen mode with @ref glfwSetWindowMonitor. This will not affect its OpenGL or OpenGL ES context.

By default, newly created windows use the placement recommended by the window system. To create the window at a specific position, make it initially invisible using the GLFW_VISIBLE(@ref GLFW_VISIBLE_hint) window hint, set its position(@ref window_pos) and then show(@ref window_hide) it.

As long as at least one full screen window is not iconified, the screensaver is prohibited from starting.

Window systems put limits on window sizes. Very large or very small window dimensions may be overridden by the window system on creation. Check the actual size(@ref window_size) after creation.

The swap interval(@ref buffer_swap) is not set during window creation and the initial value may vary depending on driver settings and defaults.

@paramin width The desired width, in screen coordinates, of the window. This must be greater than zero. @paramin height The desired height, in screen coordinates, of the window. This must be greater than zero. @paramin title The initial, UTF-8 encoded window title. @paramin monitor The monitor to use for full screen mode, or NULL for windowed mode. @paramin share The window whose context to share resources with, or NULL to not share resources. @return The handle of the created window, or NULL if an error(@ref error_handling) occurred.


@remark @win32 Window creation will fail if the Microsoft GDI software OpenGL implementation is the only one available.

@remark @win32 If the executable has an icon resource named GLFW_ICON, it will be set as the initial icon for the window. If no such icon is present, the IDI_APPLICATION icon will be used instead. To set a different icon, see @ref glfwSetWindowIcon.

@remark @win32 The context to share resources with must not be current on any other thread.

@remark @macos The OS only supports forward-compatible core profile contexts for OpenGL versions 3.2 and later. Before creating an OpenGL context of version 3.2 or later you must set the GLFW_OPENGL_FORWARD_COMPAT(@ref GLFW_OPENGL_FORWARD_COMPAT_hint) and GLFW_OPENGL_PROFILE(@ref GLFW_OPENGL_PROFILE_hint) hints accordingly. OpenGL 3.0 and 3.1 contexts are not supported at all on macOS.

@remark @macos The GLFW window has no icon, as it is not a document window, but the dock icon will be the same as the application bundle's icon. For more information on bundles, see the Bundle Programming Guide in the Mac Developer Library.

@remark @macos The first time a window is created the menu bar is created. If GLFW finds a MainMenu.nib it is loaded and assumed to contain a menu bar. Otherwise a minimal menu bar is created manually with common commands like Hide, Quit and About. The About entry opens a minimal about dialog with information from the application's bundle. Menu bar creation can be disabled entirely with the @ref GLFW_COCOA_MENUBAR init hint.

@remark @macos On OS X 10.10 and later the window frame will not be rendered at full resolution on Retina displays unless the GLFW_COCOA_RETINA_FRAMEBUFFER(@ref GLFW_COCOA_RETINA_FRAMEBUFFER_hint) hint is GLFW_TRUE and the NSHighResolutionCapable key is enabled in the application bundle's Info.plist. For more information, see High Resolution Guidelines for OS X in the Mac Developer Library. The GLFW test and example programs use a custom Info.plist template for this, which can be found as CMake/ in the source tree.

@remark @macos When activating frame autosaving with GLFW_COCOA_FRAME_NAME(@ref GLFW_COCOA_FRAME_NAME_hint), the specified window size and position may be overridden by previously saved values.

@remark @x11 Some window managers will not respect the placement of initially hidden windows.

@remark @x11 Due to the asynchronous nature of X11, it may take a moment for a window to reach its requested state. This means you may not be able to query the final size, position or other attributes directly after window creation.

@remark @x11 The class part of the WM_CLASS window property will by default be set to the window title passed to this function. The instance part will use the contents of the RESOURCE_NAME environment variable, if present and not empty, or fall back to the window title. Set the GLFW_X11_CLASS_NAME(@ref GLFW_X11_CLASS_NAME_hint) and GLFW_X11_INSTANCE_NAME(@ref GLFW_X11_INSTANCE_NAME_hint) window hints to override this.

@remark @wayland Compositors should implement the xdg-decoration protocol for GLFW to decorate the window properly. If this protocol isn't supported, or if the compositor prefers client-side decorations, a very simple fallback frame will be drawn using the wp_viewporter protocol. A compositor can still emit close, maximize or fullscreen events, using for instance a keybind mechanism. If neither of these protocols is supported, the window won't be decorated.

@remark @wayland A full screen window will not attempt to change the mode, no matter what the requested size or refresh rate.

@remark @wayland Screensaver inhibition requires the idle-inhibit protocol to be implemented in the user's compositor.

@thread_safety This function must only be called from the main thread.

@sa @ref window_creation @sa @ref glfwDestroyWindow

@since Added in version 3.0. Replaces glfwOpenWindow.

@ingroup window

GLFWAPI GLFWwindow* glfwCreateWindow(int width, int height, const char* title, GLFWmonitor* monitor, GLFWwindow* share)


Pointer<GLFWwindow> glfwCreateWindow(int width, int height, String title,
    Pointer<GLFWmonitor> monitor, Pointer<GLFWwindow> share) {
  final glfwCreateWindowLookupFunction = libglfw.lookupFunction<
      Pointer<GLFWwindow> Function(
          Int32 width,
          Int32 height,
          Pointer<Utf8> title,
          Pointer<GLFWmonitor> monitor,
          Pointer<GLFWwindow> share),
      Pointer<GLFWwindow> Function(
          int width,
          int height,
          Pointer<Utf8> title,
          Pointer<GLFWmonitor> monitor,
          Pointer<GLFWwindow> share)>('glfwCreateWindow');
  final titlePointer = title.toNativeUtf8();
  final result = glfwCreateWindowLookupFunction(
      width, height, titlePointer, monitor, share);;
  return result;